In a Mami market

Some people hardly stay a day without taking tea, so today market, i brought to you some chocolate at my locality that we used to make tea, if you look at the photos, the name of the chocolate are written in the pack of the products.

It is a good brand that is very good in the body especially when used it in the morning, I know this products may not be in some parts of the world, so when I read @dswigle post about marketfriday, I was able to understand the essence of this shows is to communicate the actual market appearance and how is market is in your locality, that can be price of goods and services and it can also be the actual market settings, including where buyer's and seller's meet.

This is a great, I love the talking about market because everyone in this world do market in one way or the other, seeing where to talk about mine is super excited.

I also have here a custard, and a rubber bag both also an element of a market, where people buy to used to serve their purpose.

All the images are mine.

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