RE: Market Friday... Lavender Fields, Forever

Awesome! This is a very calming (and colorful) post! Well done to your daughter for treating you with such a great gift. This is really a practical gift that serves a great purpose over an extended period of time!

We always had Lavender plants in the garden in the garden of the previous house we lived in. We loved having them below the windows to get the calming effect of the lavender entering the house through the windows.

We haven't planted any Lavender where we are now...maybe it's time to do something about that!

This farm really looks like a nice place to visit! It seems like you can find just about everything that has to do with Lavender there!

I'm glad you enjoyed our visit to the far and I hope you will enjoy many more visits!

Thank you for sharing this with us!

You will find my post for this week here.

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