Barbing of hair makes one always look good

Whats a market? A market is any place where exchange takes place at a particular period of time. A market could take place in a church, a mosque or even at school as long as exchange as taken place. When a product or one's service go in exchange for cash automatically its called a market. A market is not only a place where we get food stuffs or materials things, a barbing shop can also be regarded as a market because exchange for one's service will definetely go for cash.
Image of when my barber was delivering his service to me.
I needed to look very good, so i decided to go to the nearest barbing shop around me and get a very nice hair cut, my barber's name is idowu he gives people a very nice hair cuts when needed. So he told me to snap myself and save on my galary just to help him advertise his handwork.
Apparently, i look very good after the hair cut.

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