Market friday : Buy traditional food

Greetings healthy and happy everyone, Thank you #marketfriday by @dswigle. I will share my experience of going to Malioboro street Yogjakarta buying vegetable "Pecel", has often traveled to the Yogjakarta area, as a cultural City, a student City, and a tourist destination.


If I go to this City, don't forget sells alot of typical Batik clothers, but I am looking for one of the foods that have been in front of the traditional market for a long time.


Apparently the vegetable Pecel seller is no longer in front of the Beringharjo market and has been moved to a place not far from the traditional market.


Precisely opposite the market, by the Government the Government has moved to build a street shopping center called Teras Malioboro, and the main street of Malioboro is free from sellers.


Pecel vegetable traders are placed in the Terrace malioboro area where these are many other traders. This vegetable pecel is in great demand for travelers who come to this City. This vegetable pecel seller has been passed down for generation.


Pecel is a typical food of the Javanese people especially the of Central java, East java and Yogjakarta as one of the culinary heritage of the archipelago.


This pecel can eaten any time either for breakfast or lunch..Pecel ingredient, Pecel ingredient are a mixture of varians, spinach, sprouts, turi flowers, carrots, bean sproute, cabbage and other vegetable ingredient.


To add to the sensation on top of the Pecel, sprinkled with peanut sauce that has been mixted with spices, the taste of this pecel becomes savory delicious and fits the tongue.

The price of one portion of pecel is Rp 8000,- ( eight thousand rupiah)or under 1 USD, to add another sensation, can pair pecel with tempe bacem, tofu bacem at price of ,Rp 3000,- (tree thousand rupiah).

Fried puyuh at price Rp 15000,- or 1 USD, in this traditional market, I bought pecel price Rp 8000,-, then buy 1 tempe bacem and 1 tofu bacem the price is both Rp 6000,-. Usually visitors come to this pecel seller after they shop.


Vegetable pecel in the City of Yogjakarta has become a culinary icon that I always miss. The price of food here is quite cheap, and the payment of money is directly given to the merchant.
Thank you very much.

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