Market Friday - finding a market by chance in Florence, Italy

While wandering Florence this morning we stumbled across a lovely market, purely by chance ! It had three main sections selling antiques, clothes and food.


We loved wandering around it, mainly just to see what it would have, that we dont find back in the UK !


We really liked the antiques section.


We've been looking for new art-deco lights for our living room, and this market had lots of options, and we even found a pair that we really liked, but we could not figure out how to get them back to Scotland in one piece !


And for some reason, I really loved the orange bear above !!!


And the stall above also had some nice art-deco lamps, but again, we'd not be able to take them back easily.


This section contained a room for each antique seller.


And there was maybe around 20 different vendors - it was lovely walking around it !


There was also quite a large clothes section, but with backpacks already full, that wasnt really an option for us.


The food section was quite large. We dont have a market like this near where we live, and we were saying that if we did we'd get all of our veg and fruit from it.


Adn above you can see the meat section, with all the hams, etc hanging up - its Italy after all, they liked a good dried ham !

We'll we really enjoyed our wander through the market. I normally dont post to market friday because I'm always at work on a Friday and dont get the chance to go to one, so this seemed like a great opportunity to join in on the #marketfriday by @dswigle fun !

And 4 hours later, I was still trying to work out ways to get those lights we saw home !


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