Weekly Errand


Every week, I go grocery shopping to stock up on essentials for my apartment. Today, I'll take you through my shopping list. I will do a quick grocery run on Ayala Mall Central Bloc - Cebu IT Park, Cebu City, Philippines.

Lowkey Daily Exercise

Climbing the stairs every day on my way to work and back home can be quite exhausting, especially when heading up. However, I try to see it as a daily workout routine. The fact that I get to walk to work every day is a positive thing, and I believe it helps me stay active. On the other hand, going down the stairs is a breeze but going up can be a real challenge, especially during the midday heat. It can be quite stressful. Honestly, this is one of the few things I don't like about my apartment's location, and I am seriously considering moving to a new place soon.




The Church Of Jesus Christ Of The Latter Day Saints Lahug, Cebu City

My current apartment is located near the Church Of Jesus Christ Of The Latter Day Saints - Barangay Lahug, Cebu City, Philippines, so this is my everyday view. I will pass that pedestrian lane, where I will wait for the jeepney. My apartment is just a 5 to 10-minute ride to my workplace. If there is no traffic heading to Cebu IT Park, it will take approximately just five minutes to get to my work and it is just a 15 pesos fare, and that's probably one of the best things I love about my apartment other than the stairs, Lol.


This is what a modern jeepney here in Cebu City, Philippines looks like. It is fully airconditioned.

Before I will head to work which starts at five o’clock in the afternoon until one o’clock in the morning, I will drop by Ayala Malls Central Bloc (Cebu IT Park, Lahug, Cebu City, Philippines) to do a quick grocery run. I just have to buy some necessary things I need for my apartment.




Jeepney Stopover View

After my jeepney ride, I noticed a bustling crowd gathered at this corner of Cebu IT Park. The park is a popular hangout spot for locals, with people playing and dogs frolicking around. Known as Cebu IT Park, it houses several business process outsourcing companies, and ESL offices and so much more. However, the Cebu IT Park is also proud of its eco-friendly environment, providing peaceful spots for relaxation. On the other side of the park lies Ayala Mall Central Bloc. I crossed the pedestrian lane to head towards the mall.





Me and beau are working close to each other. I work in the Cebu IT Park area, while my beau works in Salinas Lahug area, which is within walking distance. We often meet during our breaks and lunchtime to hang out, eat out or go window shopping. Ayala Malls Central Bloc is our favorite place to hangout.

Today, my beau was on a break while I was headed to work. We met at the Ayala Mall Central Bloc entrance, and he accompanied me to the grocery store. There are two entrances going to the Supermarket. One entrance is located near the ATM machine stations, and the second entrance is where we passed by, just beside Starbucks. I noticed that Ayala Central Bloc had already added Christmas decorations, which made the place lively and cheerful. As a Christmas lover, I couldn't have been happier!










Ayala Malls Central Bloc Supermarket - Ground Floor, Cebu IT Park,Cebu City, Philippines

At Ayala Mall Central Bloc the supermarket is just your typical one-stop-shop. There's a pharmacy and a few food stalls nearby, too. On our way to grocery shopping, we stopped by a food stall. We placed our order and let the lady know that we'd be back after shopping. It was great timing since it takes around 15 to 20 minutes to prepare the food. If you plan on eating and shopping, this setup works perfectly. Once you're done shopping, your food will be ready to go. Having food stalls close to the grocery store is really convenient when you need a quick bite.






Celebrating Christmas The Filipino Way

Upon entering the supermarket, I noticed these stalls with baskets containing sets of fruit salad and spaghetti ingredients, which are popular dishes in the Philippines during the Christmas season. No Filipino Christmas celebration is complete without these two foods gracing the table. It's not uncommon for companies to give these sets as gifts to their employees, which explains why the supermarket is selling them. These baskets also make great gifts for friends and family during the holiday season, and they help to keep the Christmas spirit alive.


While shopping, we grabbed a pushcart to hold our purchases. I couldn't help but notice a pushcart with a cute kiddie car attached to it. This pushcart is perfect for moms who bring their toddlers or young children to the grocery store. The kiddie carts are sure to keep kids entertained while their parents shop. It's a great idea indeed.










While the Ayala Central Bloc supermarket here in Cebu IT Park may not be as massive as the Ayala Main Branch in Cebu Business Park, it still offers a wide variety of options that cater to your daily needs. From fresh vegetables and fruits, fishes, seafood to pork, meat, and occasional beef, they have everything that you would expect from a normal supermarket. The convenience of having this supermarket near my workplace is something that I love, as it only takes me around 5 minutes to walk to it. So whenever I need something that I lack in my apartment, I buy it from this supermarket at the Ayala Mall Central Bloc. Check out these snippets to see what the supermarket looks like.


While passing by a corner, I came across a stall that instantly lifted my spirits. This stall sells chocolates at wholesale prices most of the time, making it a popular choice for people living in the province. Usually, we only get to eat chocolates when our relatives or friends bring them from abroad or send a balikbayan package. But now, I can buy any chocolate that I want and anything that I could think of which could be found abroad at this supermarket in Ayala Central bloc. Even though similar chocolates are available in other supermarkets and wholesalers, I prefer to buy them here as it is cost-effective and offers a vast range of options.


I recently restocked my apartment with some necessities such as shampoo, oats, toothpaste, crackers, canned goods, and more. I particularly appreciate when stores offer cashless transactions, like Ayala Central Bloc Supermarket, where I can pay using G cash, debit, or credit cards. It's more convenient for me since I don't like carrying cash around.



We then went back to the food court and there is my beau bringing our food like how he does at his work. We ordered two The Belly Savers value meal at one hundred twenty five each.
It was some slice of lechon belly, pancit, rice and iced tea. It was satisfying after a tiring day of grocery shopping and I was not able to take photos of the foods up close because we immediately dug into it since we were both hungry. It was my brunch.








After grocery shopping, we headed to the second floor of the mall to go to Watsons. I bought my conditioner, which I normally use, and I always buy it here in Watsons because they have a lot of buy-one-take-one options, and it's affordable and budget-friendly. I did not look into all the other sale products because I knew I would be tempted, so not for now. I only came here and went straight to the corner where my conditioner was. I picked one set. I lined in at the cashier and went out happily. That's it. I am glad I was able to resist temptation.

We then walked heading work and then my beau went to his work as well bringing the groceries that we bought. What a fun day grocery shopping indeed! Time to head to work.




As I went inside the building, I saw the staff putting on the Christmas decorations. Another thing that made me happy today. Being able to feel the Christmas spirit at work.



I then went in and headed to my office and I went straight to the pantry to refill some water. Look at my 20th floor POV.


What a beautiful world indeed! Time to hustle, Ciao!☺︎♡

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