Market Friday at Ikea

Yesterday, Me and my niece was just supposed to have our afternoon walk when we suddenly decided to visit Ikea and have a walk there. I didn't even bring extra money as I don't want to spend impulsively on things that I'll be seeing along the way while we are doing our walk.

Am I glad that I don't have extra money with me? Yes and No.

Yes, as I didn't spend on things that I like. No, because I saw things that I need and I wasn't able to get it, oh well there's always next time and its not as if it is far away from my place.


They said that the biggest Ikea is here in the Philippines. Now I wondered why when there are other countries out there that is definitely a lot lot richer than the Philippines. Is it because people here loves to spend on things? Or is it because there are a lot of tourists that visits my country?

Anyway, let's go in and see their products and its prices if its affordable or what. The first things that says hello to us is their restaurant hahaha it's as if Ikea senses that my tummy is grumbling already.


But we manage to ignore the food that smells so good and go directly to their showroom entrance.


Can you see that geometric shapes chandelier lights, I've been eyeing that for sometime now and it cost Php2,700 about $55. I'll be looking at it first as it is not the right time yet to buy it but I'm hoping to get that in the near future. It falls in the category of I like so its a not a priority.

The designs of the bedrooms are all so cozy that you would want everything in it, of course I did get some ideas on how I can make my bedroom more cozy and how I can use those unused spaces with style. Their storages fascinates me, They can make every bit of space useable and with so much class.


Another thing that I check is the peg board. I've been looking for it for sometime now but not comfortable in buying it online as I want to see the quality of the item. The cost of it is Php1300 roughly $11. But since I don't have extra cash yesterday I didn't get it, looks like I really don't need it yet that's why I can schedule it to another time.

I didn't realize how big it is until my niece told that we've been on that floor for about an hour already and we haven't seen the whole of it yet. The design of the floor is like a maze that it will lead you from one thing to another, and everything piqued my interest.

The maze started at the restaurant and it ends at the restaurant so I guess by now you know where our feet lead us after walking and walking and enjoying the pleasure that our eyes see.

Now it is time to satifies our tummy. I observed what other people are getting before I decided on what to get thought, I've read that the Swedish meatloaf is the best seller.


The restaurant is a self service and I like their style that you get your own trolley plus the utensils that you will need. For the drinks you can get a cup or a glass for the cold or hot beverage. Prices for the drinks is in the photo below.


And because me and my niece is on diet mode we didn't order much besides we are still going to walk after we eat. We ordered the Swedish meatballs, mushroom soup, lumpia roll (spring roll) and a dark chocolate cake plus the 2 fruit drink. It cost us Php 510 ($10).


All the we ordered taste good especially the dark chocolate cake that I was not supposed to eat. My niece insisted on tasting just a little bit because as she said it really taste wonderful. Oh boy, when I tried it, it taste heavenly that I wasn't able to stopped myself from having a second bite and a third and a fourth hahaha. I fell in love with the cake and it reminds me how it feels good to be in love.

After we had our dinner, our tummy is so full that we cannot walk fast and we thought that Ikea is only one floor. We are wrong hahaha we explored the third floor and have to walk fast and find the easiest way out because people at home are already waiting for us.

But before we go home, we passed by the stuffed toy section and niece bought this lovely elephant for Php990 ($20). Reason why she bought it? Just because the elephant looks so cute and sweet.


After we got the elephant we left Ikea and continue with our walking. One lesson I learned, never have a full tummy if you are going to walk, and we never thought that what we ordered is that heavy to think that we didn't touch the mashed potato as we are trying to eliminate carbs on our diet.

It was a nice market day day for me and my niece and of course, I have to share it with the #marketfriday community that is initiated by @dswigle. Thanks for the love #MarketFriday


And if you've come this far... I hope that I was able to entertain you and made you smile... and for that Thank you.

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“Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Fall in love with the path of deep healing. Fall in love with becoming the best version of yourself but with patience, with compassion, and respect to your own journey.” —S. McNutt

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