market friday shopping in pushkar

if you have a tendency to believe everything you hear in life you are in for some disappointments, especially in India. on the way to Pushkar in Rajasthan we had been told that some of the shops there sold stretchable leather. now we didn't actually believe such a fabric existed but we were curious and since we already were going there we decided that we would check it out.

and sure enough!!
the market in Pushkar was full of surprises.

and color

this one seemed too young to have any 'saggy skin'

prices in a free market are not always fixed but most often decided by whatever the buyer and seller agree upon.
particularly in places that are accustomed to tourists if you want a fair price both bargaining skills and patience are necessary. having a husband who is an impatient soft-hearted foreigner is a clear disadvantage so @hindavi often goes in shops alone to begin with. that gives me plenty of time to observe the street life.

it can be boring sometimes but a flip screen camera with a good zoom is a great way to get candid photos. few people like it when a stranger sticks a camera in their face. so instead i position myself at a distance and look down into the flipped screen and rely on the zoom to get close to an unsuspecting subject.

here are three shots taken from the same place i was sitting in the street while @hindavi was busy bargaining

this merchant was selling blankets and bedsheets, photo frames, puffed rice and other seemingly unrelated items. i am not sure what the customer bought but money visibly changed hands

i usually approach the people i photograph afterwards and show them their photo. most often the people are pleasantly surprised and curious to see the photo but this lady was clearly not happy that i had taken the shot without her knowledge. it was a bit awkward so to ameliorate the situation i became a customer.

if you have ever tried to draw water from a well with a flat bottomed bucket you have certainly had a hard time tipping the bucket to fill it. instead of making them so heavy that they sink, water jugs are made with a rounded bottom which tips easily in the well but also on the shelf. this lady was selling bangles and some fruit but also some colorful rings to place the water jugs on and hold them stable. i knew the price and she said three times what others charge. i gave her double and she gave me a knowing smile.

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