Join the Parade! It's Market Friday!

MarketFriday is about going places and doing things, sometimes it is buying food, and other times we may buy merchandise. For me, the entire thing is all about the experience, the cultures, and traveling the globe in the space of this post. It will be the fastest trip you ever almost took! I have been educated in so many ways, unfamiliar with some of your customs and cultures. The more posts I read about culture unlike mine, All the things that go along with it, It is always so very fascinating. I never knew how little I really knew about the world so I thank all of you who have enlightened me.

We visited the Raices Fountain in Old San Juan.There are so many incredible place you show me. Incredible, not because they are amazing, but, because it is part of your life and sharing your culture is something I always look forward to.

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I had some unexpected surgery that has me unable to do a real post this week, and while I am fine, the swelling, bruising, and healing have slowed me just a bit. I'll be good soon. Quite miserable until then! Expectt that I should be able to do them this week~ :) Sorry to have to miss doing it last week.

I truly appreciate all of the sharing of experiences and even more, when people visit others, starting a dialogue. This is what the vision of #MarketFriday was. The understanding for all.

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Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle (Denise, that's me!!) Join me as we share our markets across the globe. I always look forward to seeing what you send me! It is amazing to see the different markets and cultures of our friends here on Hive.

A #MarketFriday Parade! The mascots of Market Friday. I love them and yes, they make me smile. This was done on the spur of the moment in the middle of the night when I needed the #MarketFriday logo... I got stuck at work and had no way to put it together before the next day! All the key pieces were on my home computer. Let's see. Who will be up in the middle of the night? Someone who could make me a logo with a picture? I have always been grateful What an awesome friend, n'est pas?

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So many experiences and the best part is to write them out for you, reliving the moments! Is it the same for you? I hope so, because I feel like I am sharing those moments that you write about. The best part is to have them locked up here on the blockchain, for me to read back someday when I am old and gray. Maybe sooner.

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I bring you back time and again to Arlington Cemetery, it is one of my favorite places to go, to seek peace, solace or to just enjoy a beautiful day. I have people buried there, so perhaps it feels special because of that? Probably not, I have always loved it. I like the changing of the guard ceremony, a very stirring event.

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Yes!! We can have fun too! Who doesn't love a great Ferris Wheel? I'm raising my hand! I love them. I am getting ready for the Chicoteague Pony swim, if I am all healed and the black and blue are gone. It is just unsightly right now.

For those os you patient enough to read most of this, I actually am not typing this, I am tag teaming with my daughter who is posting it for me as I dictate to her. She is quite the champ. Always stepping in when I need her. So thank you so much for visiting and if you don't post this week, no worries. We always have next week and then next after than! ❤️

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Please leave the link to your post here so it can easily be found by others. It helps you and me to have them in one place. Where else can you take such a quick trip around the globe? Thank you so much for joining us!! ❤

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Downtown San Juan, Puerto Rico! The cobblestones are so much of a valuable antique now, they are replacing them with fakes so they aren't stolen... And just like that, this post is done. I hope you had a good time and learned a little something new. As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to visit, and just remember, #MarketFriday loves you! Thank you for supporting the challenge! Have a most fabulous day! Cheers!!

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A big shout out to @lizelle and the Hive Thrifted Community Store that opened recently, and it is just waiting to be discovered by the Hive Community! If you've not heard about HIVE THRIFTED this is your opportunity to declutter, put unneeded items up for sale, and earn HIVE or HBD! Check out the intro post here If you like the idea of extra income the easy way, read up on it in the intro post, you won't be sorry! Any Questions? Ask away! If you reblog the current post from Hive Thrifted, which you can find here we can start filling up the Hive Thrifted store,


As always, there must be flowers to color my world. #alwaysaflower Have I thank all you @alwaysaflower people lately? Thank you for being so kind and thoughtful.





Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:

Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!

Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:

Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!

1.Go to any type of market, or anywhere where you pay money for a service. It can be a museum, a movie theatre, or an auction. Be creative!
2.Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost? We like to compare prices, otherwise, it is just pictures of a market!
3.Post the pictures! No out-of-focus ones, please! Tell a little bit about the pictures that you post. Having many pictures to scroll through does not make a better post without explanation.
4.Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post #hive-196308 (this is not required, but appreciated) If you don't, then #MarketFriday should be your first tag
5.Following me and reblogging the post so more see it would be appreciated !! Not a rule, just appreciated, more vision for more views on your posts!
6 You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post.
7.#MarketFriday post should be submitted sometime on Friday UTC
8.The post MUST be in English
9.Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it

As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!

#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!

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