RE: Unboxing a “LINK TO THE STARS” ~ STARLINK ~ Market Friday

oh my goodness!!!!!!!!! this is so cool! I was fascinated with your demo hehehe

we also live rurually but thankfully we can use our satellite agency here - we did think of starlink too - but the set up cost was 3 times more expensive than the satellite internet we have now.

but one thing that you have that we don't.... hehehe your dish will heat up and melt the snow!!! wowwwwwww

when we get tons of snow - we can pretty much be assured that we will have to wait until it clears (or is manually cleared) to have connection again

thankfully we also have another connection here - hahaha we need 2 - or else we won't have reliable connection enough of the month! lol

cuz one goes out - and the other is on...

sometimes both go out - ughhhh LOL

this was a really interesting post - that app has a lot of neat features!!!!

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