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Market Friday | Christmas is coming

Thanks to God for a successful day.
This is my entry to #MarketFriday hosted by @dswigle
As the festive season approaches, some strategic moves has to be employed in order to reduce the effects of increment in the prices of goods sold in the market.
Today being one of the days to do such thing, I went to Olympic supermarket located at Oron road in Uyo, Akwa Ibom state Nigeria.
There in the supermarket, drinks are still the same prices with what it was sold 3 months ago.
For the record, I specifically went to the supermarket to buy drinks which consist of wine, beer, Whisky and energy refreshing drinks for my friends and I.
At first, I thought that there has been increase in prices of these products, but none increased, making it easier for me to purchase what I went for.
For the red wines which consisted of Castillo De Rossi, Castillo Grande and Vills, it was available and ready for pickup. I believe that these products will be sold out before 20th of this month. This was exactly what happened last year and I had to supplement wine for beers, causing my VIPs not to really appreciate my efforts in entertaining them, but this year is gonna be different.
Below are pictures taken inside the supermarket.

I'll be revisiting the supermarket next week to make purchase of food stuffs will which consist of cereal and cereal products, vegetables oil, fruits and vegetables. It's the best time to buy these things.
Thanks to you for stopping by to read my #MarketFriday post.
Do have a wonderful weekend.