RE: Summer Is A Long Way Away, And Yet...

I'm glad this conversation is useful. I was held back in my comments thinking you now have other priorities taking up your time. It's hard for someone like me to understand what's going on where you live in wartime conditions. The fact that people go to the cinema is unexpected to me. You see, we weren't used to war, we didn't think it was possible on such a large scale.
I'm so glad you went to the movies, it proves that life, the desire to live freely and happily overcomes brutality and that, surely, even if it will be very hard, good will win. It can't be otherwise. Either good will win or there will be nothing!

Your life, dictated by the hardships you do not say, resembles your life before the war. People want to behave as they did before. I remember seeing a news report that a woman was killed while walking her dog. Walking the dog? I was shocked at first and only then did I understand that people wanted life as before. All people want that and that's the way it's going to happen!

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