RE: Sunflowers at Burnside Farm: Market Friday

With pleasure, @dswigle! I know how hard it is to find the many posts in this community that appear at such different times and even days apart from the established Friday.

It's generally hard to find certain posts, of people you are interested in, when there are so many of them in your case. I am at an advantage here, I don't search for posts according to where they are posted, I search by author, I am at an advantage because my list is short, with a little over twenty...
And so I miss many times and that's why I decided to put on automatic vote all those I like, at least the vote I don't miss. And to save time.

Yes, lightcaptured is a true photographer and his black and white is perfect, in fact, he loves B&W the most. Gorgeous shots of the queen's garden, my favorite is the one with the cat! I missed this post about Balcic, it was made when I switched from manual to automatic voting and it was a time when I was testing the app and making mistakes.

I hope you noticed a difference in approach to the place, he is talking about the botanical garden and I am talking about the Queen's Garden. Naturally, history is seen differently in such cases. Lightcaptured is Bulgarian, I don't know what area he lives in but he might be even further from Balchik than I am! Strange, isn't it?

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