RE: It's Market Friday!

First of all, thank goodness to hear from you again!
I think you've gotten used to my lack of understanding (of texts and forms in everyday English), so I'll tell you that I didn't understand, I think I misunderstood what happened to you. Something about eyes? I was relying on the fact that you said you got through it fine and everything would be fine. I hope it's fine and I don't want you to tire yourself out, so I'd just like a very brief response from you!

Now you mention Covid and that intrigues me and makes me curious. Here in Romania, we've kind of forgotten about Covid for about a year now, I think. Of course, after a first Covid that was very bad for us, Magda and I, I think we had another one last month that was more like a brief cold. We forgot to strictly protect ourselves anymore, we just do common sense. We've also had our fourth vaccine, much to the displeasure of many unbelievers, and I think it's helped us from worse. Anyway, the aftermath of the first Covid was significant and bad, I think that's when the problems I have with my heart started...

Sunflower, of course, @dswigle! Much anticipated by our family too. Here it will bloom on the same date as yours, I'm sure none of us will miss the moment.... and Hive, of course.

While you were asleep, ah no, that's a movie title, I think. While you were recovering from surgery, we took a short trip. Guess where? I'm sure you did!

It's so fresh in my memory that I'll bore our colleagues here for a long time with my sea stories. I thought I'd call it a series, haha... Anyway, I have my annoyances with Hive too, so if Hive gets annoyed with me because of boredom... it'll be even!

Good health, Denise! Less work and more sleep, rest, and relaxation. Let's enjoy this summer to the fullest...

The link, where is the link? I found it and I hurry(?) to send it to you.

Sea, Sun, Cats, and Souvenirs

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