RE: Maine-ly Acadia National Park on Market Friday

Once again you surprise with your #marketfriday post, a true travelogue. A journey in a place so beautiful and generous in views and landforms, from the mountains to the ocean. I'm glad I got to see the place you love so much that you go there several times a year. I'd do the same if I were nearby... I didn't understand how far it was from your house.
I really like that you mix up the topics and soften the rules. If there's anything I don't like about Hive, it's the rigid and exclusive communities, so proud of their superiority. Of course, I understand the rationale for having rules and exclusivity but it kind of deviates from the much-vaunted absolute freedom that blockchain offers.
My participation is modest and please believe me it is not false modesty. Lately, I am failing to do what I set out to do.
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