Photography within photography

There is so much heat in the world. The heat outside, heat in the house... and I can't shake the memory of the sea. I'm captive, I'm a captive admirer of the notion of the sea because the sea is not just a big, enormous, water-filled pit. Everything in the water and everything around it is the sea.


I wish I could write about something else. I find a subject, another subject, in the desire not to bore the reader, but when I want to start writing, I only think of the sea.

I only think of a small town, in a small bay, in front of a small sea in a small country.

My country is bigger!
That's how I'd boast if I were a child.
The child from the smaller country would answer...
Yes, but it doesn't have such a nice place!


The chances in this life have kind of gone by the wayside and I think how wonderful it would be if we still had the chance of a second life! Where we can choose from the very first moment where we will live (re-live!) and where we will have the chance not to make the mistakes of our first life.

To have a house where I can see the sea all the time.

I'd like to think that these houses stand on their tiptoes, the houses in the back, so they can see the sea too!

These are the thoughts that are nagging at me as I prepare to write something for #MarketFriday, because today is Friday, and a few of us, quite a few of us, are tight in @dswigle's community

This time I'm going to tell about an exhibition, an exhibition of photographs.

In the small seaside town, there is a long promenade that borders the sea. It starts from the town square and runs along the front of the small harbor...


... then much of it runs between hotels and shops on one side and plenty of terraces and cafes on the other side by the sea. Tourists and locals stroll from one side to the other, look at the sea, eat, drink, and rest on a bench...


We, i.e. my wife, a friend, and I, who come from the bigger country, do the same thing. We stroll up and down the promenade, our eyes mostly on the sea (me) or the shops (the two ladies accompanying me) until we get so tired that the solution is a café sofa, coffee, of course, and lots of talking.

That's pretty much what we do when we're in this small town, in a small bay, in front of a small sea in a small country.

But there are other kinds of days, sometimes the chance brings something new in front of our eyes.

The open-air photo exhibition by the sea...

110 Years of Aviation in Bulgaria


The photos were displayed on wire fences. On the waterfront, where there used to be a sought-after terrace. I don't know why it's gone.


There weren't many viewers, in fact only one besides us.




I don't know Bulgarian, I only know a few words and I deduced that the poster says it is about the 110th anniversary of Bulgarian aviation. From the theme of the photos, I am inclined to think it refers specifically to military aviation!




I've seen exhibitions like this on the street before. In the city where I live, they are quite often located in different city squares.




In theatre there is the concept of "theatre within a theatre", meaning that in a play actors play the roles of other actors playing in a play. It is very common in Shakespeare, in plays like Hamlet and A Midsummer Night's Dream.

This concept is also found in the film. In films that are about the making of a movie. I'm reminded of The French Lieutenant's Woman, with Merryl Streep and Jeremy Irons, or La Nuit Americaine by François Truffaut

Why shouldn't there be a concept: photography within photography?

In this exhibition, I photographed some... photographs!






I've put some pictures from the exhibition. It was an exhibition where I didn't have to pay for entry, it was free.

I'm thinking now that if I say it was free then it doesn't fit into the #marketfriday theme, where we have to write about places to sell, buy and possibly buy something, the prices.


I thought about it for a while and realized it wasn't free at all. In order to visit this exhibition I had to drive 300 km, put in gas, highway tax, bridge tax, and a hotel room, which is about 200 euros.

Now I am satisfied, surely this post fits in this community too.

To be even safer, this post ends as it should, always with a flower!


I almost forgot to say something else, which is to clarify something...

The bigger country is called Romania
The smaller country is called Bulgaria
The city is called Balchik!



Square 4+1(1).jpg

Balchik Series
Below are all the episodes:

Feeling The Sea
My Friend, The Cat
Sea, Sun, Cats, and Souvenirs
People and Cacti, Botanical Garden in Balchik
Feeling The Sea (Two) - Balchik (Episode Six)
Balchik Lavender
Wild Nature In Balchik
We eat, drink and have a good time
Before The Castle
The Black Sea
Balchik and the Queen's Castle
Walks In Balchik


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