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So as some might know, the Nigerian federal universities have been on strike since February 14th, 2022 because the government denied members of the academic staff their salaries for months. Well the strike was suspended as of early October and schools have drafted their academic calendars for the remaining semesters. This means students are trooping into schools from all over the country, my school included.

My school has provisions made for the accommodation of students and I happen to reside in one of the hostels available. I have been around for a while due to some preoccupations but, I have been staying with a friend off-campus. Now that school is back in session, I am required to move back into the hostel.

Staying in the school hostels is definitely quite the adventure and experience. I opted to stay there because there’s just nothing that beats being around students like you. I get motivation to read, it helps keep my spirits up, keeps me out of trouble. It also helps keep me accountable, plus you never get bored when you have the everlasting company of your roommates.


I am a big introvert at heart; one of my many flaws is that I don’t do well with change. I had a mini mental breakdown when I was informed that I had to travel to Enugu state (where my school is at) for clinical postings, back in September. I had gotten so used to my weekly routines at home and had felt extremely comfortable; I wasn’t interested in anything that was going to wreck the peace of mind that it came along with.

But I worked through the emotions – I had to – and decided to travel. I got here, settled down at my girlfriend's place, and settled in to the new routine of weekly clinical postings. And then these people (Academic Staff Union of Universities) decided it was the right time to call off the strike.


I thought I was going to be okay seeing as I felt comfortable staying with other students in the hostel before. But for some reason, when I went into school today, I felt a sudden wave of anxiety.

Students were everywhere!!!

Some were on uniforms and others were just going about their normal day to day activities. For some reason this frightened the beejezuz out of me and I was very scared, I still am. I am not mentally ready to resume school.

I know my feelings don’t matter in the grand scheme of things but, I secretly wish we didn’t have to resume so soon. Nigerian students please don’t cut my head off 😙. I know that I have to woman up and tackle these emotions head on; this is just a temporary moment of weakness so please bear with me. Hopefully, with time, I’ll have fully adjusted to the new routine and feel better.


I am positive that there are some students that feel the same way I do. Of course, there are also the set of students, the ones I look up to, that are everly ready to resume no matter the situation. The ones that have been studying all through the strike and getting ready for the inevitable rush that’s going to occur. I’m not going to lie, throughout the strike period I opened my books a total of 5 times. The amount of knowledge I have now is not going to cut it for the approaching exams so I need to buckle the heck up.

I’ll be fine at the end of the day!!

Are you still reading??? 😂😂

My deepest gratitude to you, thanks for listening …do have a wonderful day ❤️❤️❤️

I would love to know your thoughts, especially Nigerian students.

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