Living and Breathing Hive



While this post seems like a rant or just random and filtered thoughts that are sprinkled with a little bit of feel-good photos, because it probably is, I just want to say that I have to let these thoughts be put out there.

I have been guilty of inconsistent posting and commenting on others' posts, but I can still say that I'm living and breathing Hive. While it's not an excuse, I have been occupied by my curation work and onboarding initiative. When we are in a Blockchain that boasts about rewarding all kinds of participation, it seems that there are purist stakeholders who prefer one form of participation more than others when all forms are equally important to make Hive into an ideal ecosystem for all.

I was a purist myself, in terms of how I view my posts, but everything changed in the advent of AI. As a curator, I have a different criteria when I look at other's posts, but as a content creator, I'm more critical towards my posts. I want my posts to be in long form and well-formatted. But with the proliferation of AI, there's no saying that one's post is not AI-generated. Now, long form or short form, as long as the content is genuinely yours, it's more valuable than AI-generated. But who knows until when will we be able to distinguish content.

In terms of onboarding, I noticed that it's not really an appreciate work in Hive. I'm grateful that I'm part of OCD where onboarding is one integral initiative. However, throughout Hive, it seems onboarding is often overlooked. Let's be honest to ourselves that Hive has a steep learning curve. Presenting someone with a link is not enough. You'll have to be with your onboardee throughout the whole process. And that's what we're doing with different orientations conducted in schools. See the second and third photo above. I just hope that either the slope of the learning curve is lowered or there's a centralized funding for onboarding.

While I'm so thankful to Hive for letting me do the things I love, like travel to places at my own pace and time as in the first photo above, I can't help but felt discouraged by how others act here. Just because it's allowed by the code doesn't mean you have the free rein. There's what we call as common sense, but it seems it's not common after all. I guess personal interest trumps common sense.

I hope that legitimate initiatives from passionate stakeholders won't be caught be opposing forces with huge influence. I just want Hive to a place of opportunities, not a place of warring feudal lords.

I'm thankful for the last three years that I'm living off of Hive and as much as I want it to continue for more years, it might not happen. I'm not planning to leave. I'll just probably find something out of Hive that I'm really passionate about.

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