Something Sweet and Luscious

One of the stories my mom told me about my younger self was that I never liked sweet things when I was a baby. It doesn't end there. She went on to say that I totally loved taking bitter things and I wonder why😅. Why would a 2 year old baby reject a cup of fruit juice and ask to be given the bitter kola that her parents were eating? I've heard things like "you were an old soul in a new body" or "you were just so young and couldn't differentiate bitter from sweet". I digress

Source|| Edited with canva

With that, I'd like to establish the fact that I'm not so much of a sweet tooth. There has been a change though, because if I'm offered fruit juice and kola nuts right now, I'd definitely go with the fruit juice.

The first thing that came to mind when I saw the prompt "something sweet" was this three layered cake that I love so much. Each layer has a different flavour (vanilla, strawberry and chocolate). The love began when I was about seven years old. The first time I came in contact with this cake, it was given as a bribe by my dad. He always used the cake to pacify us after giving us a good ass whooping.

I grew to love cakes because of their sweet taste and how savoury it feels in the mouth. With love comes drive. The love I have for cakes drove me to learn how to bake cakes but need I tell you that my first cake was a total disaster:⁠-⁠).

After watching about two or three YouTube tutorial videos on how to make a cake, I told everyone at home that I've got it covered. They offered to help but I told them that chef Wongi works solo.

I started mixing all the ingredients and from what I saw, my cake batter looked really good. I put it in a pan and put it in the oven. After some time, the cake was ready. Prior to this time, the vanilla flavour that I had put in my cake batter filled the air and I was so eager to devour my cake.

I pulled it out of the oven and the cake didn't want to leave the pan (first sign of a bad cake). After trying so hard to get the cake out of the pan, I cut a slice out to taste. At this point, I didn't know if I was eating a slice of cake or bread. It had a hard exterior and the interior was chewy.

The truth is that I didn't even measure my ingredients. I was adding ingredients as the spirit led. I had mixed too much flour making the cake have a hard exterior. The sugar I put in was too much. I didn't use baking powder. A lot of things were wrong with the cake.

As expected, nobody wanted to taste my cake because of its repelling exteriors. My minimalist nature didn't allow me to discard the cake either. I can't exactly remember if I had a stomach ache after three days of consuming "cake" but what I do remember is that I ate every piece of that cake alone. It was really heartbreaking.


That didn't stop me though. I kept experimenting but with proper help this time around. Now, I can comfortably make my favourite piece of desert. I haven't reached perfection yet, but at least, there has been significant progress.

How Often do I Eat Cakes?

I take cakes at any slight chance I get😅. You give me a piece of cake and you're on the path to securing a special spot in my heart. The last time I tried rejecting a foil plate of vanilla flavoured cake offered by a friend in a means to pacify me, my conscience didn't let me. I ended up eating the cake though I was still pissed at my friend.😅

Cakes(chocolate cakes especially) are my go-to dessert and it has been this way for years. I don't see it changing any time soon.

This is my attempt at "something sweet" in response to @mypathtofire's ecency discord weekly posting topic. More information can be found here.

Thank you for reading

With love, Wongi ✨

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