Few Weeks Before I Quit My Job


It's funny how eager I've been and how I can't wait to draft a resignation letter. As much as my job has been helpful to me in the last year, it is high time I move on from it. I haven't done a lot of things I want to do because I find it hard to multitask and focus because of my regular job. It also isn't the most secure job so I've always sworn to myself I'd quit before I ever become an unfortunate victim of the company's downsizing.

I don't have the greatest plan going forward but it helps that there is a plan in place and I know what's next, it is convenient to leave now to put it plainly. If I didn't have anything to immediately fall back to though, I can't say I won't have continued at my job and found a way to stick it out. People have been doing it, I guess I would have put in more effort to develop myself more and self-indulge despite the limitations I face.

I now have a lot more respect for people who have full-time or multiple jobs and are still able to develop and learn new skills on the side. They sure make it look super easy. I don't want to be stuck in a place where I keep doing the same thing over and over without any career progression or chance for self-development, only to get out years later and not be able to apply myself anywhere else.

I don't want to miss out on a world of opportunities all because I couldn't put myself first before a 9-5 that isn't fulfilling. Like I said earlier, it's easy to make this decision to leave now because of my current circumstances and I'm grateful the timing is right as I didn't want to do this job past the 1 year mark. I'm very hopeful everything works out smoothly and I'll have a lot more time to be on hive too.

Have you ever been eager to quit a job?

Cover image- Pexels

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