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I hung out with Vin Diesel, again, today - Part 2


This afternoon, I had pizza with Vinny D. I will call him Vinny, as I am about an inch taller.

We were joined by a neighbor of mine, who I recently mentioned in my Crypto Neighbors or Bitcoin Buddies? write up.

I had never been to this 🍕 place. In fact, I have never been to a pizza place in my three plus years in Portugal. This one has won prices and I must say that - although the quality wasn't spectacular - my quattro staggioni sure tasted good and I think I'll return there in the not too distant future.


During lunch, it was mainly Vin Diesel and my neighbor getting acquainted and talking about their backgrounds, about what drew them to Portugal and about crypto.

I merely listened, as I know both their stories and I try to get better at listening. I already master talking hahaha!

I kind of felt like a wise old sage, I guess.

At a certain point in time, when we were still waiting for our pizzas, I excused myself to snap a photo of the landscape ( as pictured above ).

I made sure to include 'Van Diesel', as I like to call Vin Diesel.

If you haven't already, I suggest you check my previous Vin Diesel story for the story behind 'Vin Diesel'

When we were about to have lunch, the weather started changing...

The three of us were sitting outside ( not vinside ), as the temperature was great for the time of the year. Nevertheless, we had to take precautions, to make sure our table cloth and napkins didn't blow away.

I even saved a wine glass on another table from breaking into pieces. Those table('s) guests had just left and the glass was hanging in a precarious position, about to drop down and shatter on the terrace tiles.

This sudden weather change brings me to the reason why I titled this post the way I have:

I invited V.D., or actually Vincent # 2, to stay at my place the next couple of days, as the weather forecast is pretty rough:

Loads of rain ( think 2 months worth in one single weekend ), starting tomorrow. And possibly a small storm too.

As this guy and his diesel van - or should I say his 'vin' - have been staying at a camper place without facilities and without a roof or shelter and as I have an entire house for myself ( with an attic with a spare mattress ) and as - in all honesty - I'm feeling pretty social these days, I decided to invite him over to stay.

So, after the pizza lunch, we bought some groceries ( he was kind enough to pay the bill in exchange for staying at my place ) and I helped him to get a sim card for unlimited wifi.

He isn't here yet. Vin still had some stuff to do at the camper ( parking ) place, but he told me that he will come over tomorrow, around noon.

From them on, we will probably hang out till Monday ( after most of the rain has gone ).

Let me end this with a picture of the cute town where my twin sister, brother-in-law and niece and nephew are living. We wanted to pay them a visit but they weren't around.

I just had to share this sight though ;^)


P.S. I am hearing the first rain drops outside my window and on the roof, right now. Exciting! It also makes me want to pee. Time to wrap things up and get rid of some excess water ;^)
