An Open Letter to Mrs. Mosquito - On Eating Bugs or Being Eaten By Them


Oh Mrs. Mosquito, Where did it all go wrong? Why did you leave me?

It might have been the cold, the brrr brr brrrr colder than cold - the freezing nights.

Or, perhaps, it has been a (para)sitde effect of me moving house. After all, I'm now residing in a village 5km away. I distanced myself from the place where you, your daughters, your sisters, your aunts, nieces and other flying, female family members loved to visit me and my guests, at night, to torture us in what was supposed to be our sleep.

I learnt, somewhere, that you and your bloodthirsty race have a maximum flying radius of about 300 meters from a water source, and I'm not talking about running water.

Since a week or so, I'm living where stagnant water is unavailable. The closest water source, 100 to 200 meters or so away, is a river. No breeding ground for you folks, all in all.

The reason for your absence in my life, these days, could also be due to me not having sent you my current address.

I don't plan to do this, ever.

In all honesty, I don't actually miss you.

It's more like remembering you in a somewhat nostalgic way, while enjoying the contrast between the now and the past.

Us humans tend to only 'miss' the things that we don't have, and sometimes it's not even actual missing, more like an itch connected to a phantom limb that we didn't enjoy anyway, back when we still had it.

When my current apartment was first shown to me, the insect screens in front of ( half of ) the windows, delighted me. Those alone were worth a sizable chunk of my rent.

On Eating Bugs

The World Economic Forum might try to push us towards eating insects, in the not too distopyiantant future:

You will eat ze bugz
and be happy

but that doesn't mean that I will buy into that.

I will avoid whatever's pushed onto me, as much as I can, unless I actually feel like it. As in:

Today I really crave some minced maggots in my ( formerly known as ) meatballs!

Then again, it might be better for us to eat ze bugz than having ze bugz eat us.

That brings me back, one more time, to you - Mrs. Mosquito - my parasitic friend, for lack of a better word.

You seem to be feeding on other people and animals, these days, and that is totally fine by me.

In fact, I apparasite appreciate that very much. It's just that I thought that I would send you a message and it might be fun to receive a message of you, in return.

And this time not buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzed into my ear, at night.

I hope you aren't too buzzy to reply.

Your friend,


If you wonder who the **** I'm referring to here:

Mrs. Mosquito is a character in my Hypersensitivosaurus stories/ dinoverse. Someone I might one day dedicate an entire book to, although I prefer not to give her too much attention ( she's a parasite, after all, whether she wants to be one or not ).

Previous Mrs. Mosquito ( and Hypersensitivosaurus ) stories,from latest to eldest:

Unfinished Stories about Animals - The World of Hypersensitivosaurus - Mrs. Mosquito: To Suck or not to Suck

Catching up on some much needed Sleep - Tired of Mrs. Mosquito
More Mrs. Mosquito
Mrs. Mosquito
Dinosaur D Day
A Raptor's Reverie
And last but definitely not least:
Mrs Mosquito - Another Hypersensitivosaurus Story

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