The Challenges of Modern Marriage and the Need for Wisdom in Choosing a Partner.

How on earth will you have a wife that you cannot control or talk to? Actually, this is not the case with the youth of this generation; most of them are not willing to take corrections from those they call husbands, talk more of their parents or someone older than them. Most people rush Into relationships now just because they want to enjoy some privileges that marriage holds, but are they willing to go through the real facts about marriage?


Our parents, who lived years together, have been able to endure a lot of things from themselves, and they were able to tolerate one another, and this is what we are supposed to look at and learn from. I know that it's a bit different from guys and also some ladies, but what do we call it when some ladies run into getting married and some even out of wedlock because they are tired of staying in their parents' house because their peers are getting married and they want to rush to get married, then they rush their boyfriends or husbands to get married to them?

My dad once told me one day while we were discussing that there is time for everything under the sun. Do not rush yourself into getting married. Most female children now are not taking better training from their parents the way they are supposed to, and they feel that when they get married, their husband has little or no authority whatsoever over them. Imagine having a wife who behaves in an irrational way and disgraces the husband out of sight, even in public. What do you expect such a husband to do?

I followed my mom to settle a score between a couple, and while they were discussing, the wife made a statement that there is no way her husband will do anything, and she won't do the same because they have equal rights. I then moved close to my mom to ask if she had any investments she had made for her husband or the apartments they live in and who paid for them. Not only that, but I was told everything is done by the husband. I was shocked and said what the point she is proving when she has nothing to offer the little boy who is her husband.

Life and marriages go beyond what anyone can just imagine, and at some point I am becoming scared of getting married because of the way marriages are turning out to be now. As a guy, if you know you want to live long and help your mental health, just ensure you make the right choice and not just marry any random lady you see. Also, ladies do not marry just a random guy you saw, and you feel she is wealthy. There is more to money and luxuries. Stay wake.

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