You Didn't Need To Do It, We Would Have Done It

So the latest piece that I want to share today is somewhat of a sad story, sad being that our provincial and national government think the citizens of this country are as stupid as they are.

No, well perhaps the majority of this country falls under that flag. What irritates me the most is how they constantly have some sort of smart excuse for why the work is not done yet or why a problem is not fixed yet.

It's really hard for them to stand up and say "Listen, we don't really know what we're doing, we might need some help."

Oh no, they are a proud bunch and in their eyes they are doing a perfectly great job.

During last week a great number of farmers decided to fix a 40 Km stretch of road on the R34 between Vrede and Memel. The reason for this is because the local municipalities are not equipped to do it (We can rather say they've stolen all the money and have no way to fund this) Some sections of that road has potholes deeper than 30cm and wider than 2 meters.

Can you imagine how bad that is?

What if you're driving a small vehicle and you hit one of those? I mean hitting one of those with a pickup truck would already be devastating and even more so with a small vehicle. Driving on that road is actually more dangerous than flying since you're putting your own life at such risk!

The regional and local governments excuse for not fixing the road is that they don't have the man power to do the job. Which in my opinion is absolute bullshit because whenever you see them fixing the roads there are about twenty persons standing around a pothole but only one of them is actually working.

That's not all, after the local farmers have banned together to fix the roads and showing everyone in this damned country of ours that the ANC (African National Congress) adds absolutely zero value to this country, in-fact they are deliberately tearing it apart IMO. After the roads were fixed they came out saying that the farmers didn't need to fix the road, they were planning on fixing the road themselves. From one story to another and from one excuse to the next, they have been promising these local farmers for three years that they will fix the road... to no avail.

Want to hear something even more hilarious?

Somewhere in March of 2023 they announced that they are planning to spend 1.8 Billion (ZAR) on fixing the roads in the Free State. Well that was almost four months ago and not a single word of that since then and the worst part is they made it public, it was on every newspaper's front page.

Now I ask you, who are they bluffing? What game are they playing? Is there actually some moronic people left in this country that believes that shit? I certainly don't and the reason for that is they don't even have funds to pay the municipal workers, where are they going to crap out 1.8 billion (ZAR) to fix the roads?

It's beyond comprehension.

You can read more about that here.

What upsets me the most is that after all the work was done they had the audacity to say that it wasn't needed, that they would have done it. Yeah sure it's very fucking easy to come out and say that and even more so when the job is done.

Adding to that is how they keep making these empty promises to their own people... But oh don't worry come the elections they will be seen fixing a pot hole here and a pot hole there and hand out a bunch of ANC t-shirts, oh then the masses can see that they are actually doing something. Then what? Oh then those masses who they have kept uneducated for the last 29 years will just vote for them once again. Because they got a free t-shirt.

Isn't that just amazing?


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Dated 12/06/2023

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