My first job experience

Hii fellow hiveians ,
This is my first time on this community!

Few weeks ago,I got a new job it has not been easy.i work 6 days in a week (Monday to Saturday) I have to wake up around 5/6am if not I won't meet up.i have only Sunday as a free day.
The first week I went to church,the second week I couldn't go because of the stress and laundry.

When I completed my Nysc program I haven't done any job I have been at home sleeping and waking for a year now.
It feels new to me,I'm just trying to adapt.
I go to work by 8 ,I get home around past 7 sometime to 8.
I have been feeling cold since last week and I thought its because of the everyday rain over here not knowing that I have malaria already, yesterday I woke with headache I went to work late.when I was coming back I bought actified for cattarh.
I was still not feeling good.

I had to buy anti malaria drug ,I haven't spent a month at work I'm already getting tired of working.the stress ,the early bird is really affecting my health .I pray I don't give up soon.

Today I left work around to 7 with the hope of getting home early but the bus I boarded hard I got home around to 8.
I don't think I can do this job for long.
Thanks for reading.

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