What's Your Stance On Generated AI Artwork? Does It Have A Place on Hive?


That thumbnail is created with a website called Dream, https://app.wombo.art/ which turns some prompts into an artwork with a different art style. It took me just seconds to come up with " lazy weekend with coffee" and chose random art style that are available on that website.

Now, I do have some concerns and also questions especially when I start seeing more AI art and the possibility of people posting it on Hive.

First, if I generate that art with some prompts that I just randomly think, does that art instantly belong to me? I checked out the web and there’s no licensing term, just an option to make it NFT and also connect to existing crypto wallet.

Second, does this type of content have its place on hive and actually brings value when anyone can spend at max a minute to come up with an impressive art style?

My concern is that people just post this type of generated AI art and say it’s their “art” while anyone like me could spend seconds just typing something at random. What would be the community approach to this type of content?

This brought into my attention when @namiks showed me some posts with generated AI art and I started seeing it more not just on hive but my twitter feed. So, you know, I couldn’t help but wonder, “what’s the big deal?” until I tried and it’s a big deal. So far, I’ve only known copywriting generated AI but artwork? That’s novel to me and which is why I have questions.

So, if you have an opinion, let me know and maybe I can learn a thing or two.

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