Think With Caffeine #77: Preventing Burnout


“You can have it all, just not all at once.” —Oprah Winfrey

If there's one thing I am still struggling to learn is creating a balance. Since I started studying and working, balance is almost never there. Making a balance for me feels like making a lot of sacrifices. Juggling between work, life, studying are not that easy. Everyday is a constant struggle between allocating energy, time, emotion to either work, life or the study. If you ask me to choose, I can't. All of them are important to me.

This inability of not creating a balance often leads to burnout. Sometimes I get way too excited and thus putting more into my plate. Then, I feel overwhelmed due to the amount of work that I have. Next thing I know, I am dealing with excruciating physical pain. Did I ever learn at all? guess not because since January up to this point, I am putting more into my plate.

When it comes to this space, an advice from @acensotop last year puts me into a perspective.

Write about what you feel like and let the fortune decide the payout. It took me more than an hour to compile my last post and it's payout is of only $3.5 and I have had photo blogs that got $15 and they were ready for action in 20 minutes. Keep doing what you like and steem on!

That advice helps me to constantly create and stop being too perfectionist about my work. It's a blog and a social place. So, that's the whole point, engaging and creating.

I recently learned about some users from Venezuela and their internet speed. I see them constantly hustling despite the circumstances and that is admirable. It sort of puts me into my place and it makes me feel like I am being ungrateful and lazy. With what I have right now, I should do better. I tried to deafen that voice knowing that would only cause me another burnout.

So, these days, preventing another burnout from happening, I try to cultivate new hobbies and take 20 minutes walk outside. I also try to fix my sleeping after spending days with horrible sleep schedule. Going outside is always helping me get newer inspiration and many things. Oh yeah, I also uninstalled twitter from my phone because I find myself checking it way too often.

At the moment, I have excruciating lumbar pain. My mom told me it's because I spent too much time on the chair before without breaks. So, I am trying to take intermittent breaks in between and trying to rest as much as I can. I am also hoping it's not a sign of terminal illness or something. This lumbar pain serves a reminder that I've not been taking care of myself well. So, yeah it's also time that I need to reevaluate my plans and schedule moving forward.

In another story, I got my first paying customer for my bakery biz. I am also starting the marketing campaign. Wish me luck!

If you know ways to prevent burnout or your ways of dealing with it, let me know in the comment section




Mac covers technology, philosophy, nootropics, books, productivity, minimalist lifestyle, cybersecurity and languages. Other than those, she is passionate about cooking and travel. In her free time, she enjoys learning art and exploring new hobbies.
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