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Think With Caffeine #50: Delete Discord Messages With A Script


One thing led to another.

Staying awake for 30 hours seems to increase my paranoia again. In the past, I used to have an episode where I feared about everything I shared to people, even family members. I am not an open book unless I am in my manic episodes which is another story. But things changed in 2018; I decided to say fuck-it-all after I started travelling around. My attempt to become normal started with saying yes to spyware apps, being in a picture, nodding to every KYC in crypto, and trying trendy social media. I also increase my tolerance for people a lot. I tried not to blurt out something that seems too geeky, too nerdy, being too neurotic, or even saying what I stand for. Eventually, I am getting tired of it. I want to be in my natural state, but it is almost impossible to be in tech's paranoid side. There's no absolute privacy unless I choose to ditch my computer, stay off the woods, live alone, and then die.

These days, whenever I see people acting as they care about the goddamn privacy, I can't help but cringe. Sorry, we don't have something that is called "privacy" anymore. It seems that some see it as voluntary vs involuntary privacy. It's how I see it these days too. Voluntary privacy infringement is something that we do in this blockchain. Everything we write here is recorded permanently, and we choose to do that voluntarily. Compared with big tech, we are involuntarily sharing our information, and they make a gain off it. How? Ads baby. There are a lot more than ads, but I don't want to complicate it.

Discord is my vice. I wouldn't say I like the nature of Discord. It is not encrypted, and it has some strict TOS. Sadly, I communicate with some online friends, and it's where some hive folks are. I recently went into a couple of servers where people share their selfies, their location, and a lot of personal information about their life. It baffles me how a lot of people are voluntarily doing it. I was guilty of sharing information that I deem personal. So, the other day, with my paranoia increasing again, I decided to venture into another side. I found this script on GitHub that lets us delete messages you have in discord.

Before using that script, make sure to review the code or have someone you can trust review it. However, that source code seems to have no privacy issue. With that in mind, I also started deleting messages sent to discords before leaving the server. It is the same with personal messages. Ideally don't use discord but use encrypted messenger or encrypted e-mail for very personal information. But oh well, like Kevin Mitnick say,

" The weakest link the security chain is the human element".

I could go on and on about privacy issue and all of the things about it, but it's all I can say for now. I think I'll host my content this community since the nature of think of caffeine is borderline ranting while I enjoy a cup of coffee.

~ Mac

Mac covers technology, philosophy, nootropics, books, productivity, minimalist lifestyle, cybersecurity, and languages. Other than those, she is passionate about cooking and travel. In her free time, she enjoys learning various things. Hive is the only social media and blog that she has.