Study With Me

I get the zest of studying once again.


I wanted to learn something new whilst also refreshing my knowledge on things, especially my language skill and programming. All this was because I was inspired by quite a few things recently. But yes, overtime, I learned that one of my biggest obstacles in learning is that I prefer to have an accountability partner or a friend to study together.

This was not that easy as I don’t know any of my friends who are into studying together or even share a similar learning style as I do. For me, by having an accountability partner, I get more things done and I mostly likely have better retention as sometimes I like to teach the other person of the things I just learned.

Well, out of the blue today, I talked to @antoniojoseha about it. Since I know he’s also a student and quite a studious one, I thought, why not ask him if he wanted to? Well, eventually, we studied together. We were using a 30 minutes pomodoro and a 5 minutes break. So far, each of us studied for about an hour in total. In that time span, I managed to finish some work and did some TOEFL practices.

In the past, I used to join some discord servers that had similar goals, to study together and keep us more accountable. It was before the pandemic that I already used this but after the pandemic, this study together movement became more and more prominent. As the school became online, I talked to some students and they often organized study together online as well. Discord even launched a server template specifically for a study group.

Though yeah, there are not always positives when joining these groups. Sometimes, it can feel like a pressure where you have to keep up because you want to appear good to others. Another thing is that it’s also easy to fall into comparison. So, when joining these groups, it is better to have a mindset that we have different circumstances and challenges in life. But I think the positives outweigh the negative where I and other students may get more things done or even fixing our grades.

Studying with me is also something I wanted to stream but since youtube recently changed its policy that only a channel with 1k subscribers can stream, I have no choice to push aside that idea. I also tried via VIMM but I couldn’t set it up from my phone, yet. I mean, if there is a way to do that, I would love to stream within that niche. So, if any of you know how to stream via VIMM or 3Speak via mobile, I would appreciate it and I think that’s a game changer for small humble streamers like I do as it would be a great option than Youtube.

Another option is to record my studying session and upload it after it is done. But I don’t know if that aligns with my purpose of being able to study together or knowing that I could talk to someone during the study break about the things I am studying or simply interacting with other people about their progress. But anyhow, study with me is growing on me and I will most likely work on it.

Hope You Enjoyed This article!

image.pngMac is a content creator that covers literature, books, technology, philosophy, nootropics, productivity, minimalist lifestyle, cybersecurity, and languages. Other than those, she is passionate about cooking and travel. In her free time, she enjoys learning various things. If you like her content, don't hesitate to upvote, leave a comment or a feedback. A re-blog is also appreciated.
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