RE: Living and Breathing Hive

Hey! It is good to see your honest opinion about blogging!
So in the spirit of openness let me share that I recently gave up posting pinmapple stories. Let me explain why - imagine me spending hours on my computer selecting and post-processing some of my best travel photographs then spending a couple more hours writing my own words to describe what I saw, felt, etc.
Frankly, I cannot compete anymore with people who create much longer articles than mine, with copy-pasted info (sourced or not, it doesn't matter) or generated by AI. I realize that all curator in that lovely travel community must be very busy but my time is precious too. I hope there is a good solution to not rewarding pasted or AI-generated texts but until then I'll focus on the visual part. HIVE has changed a lot in the last year, and IMO, not in the best possible way. As yourself, I am very thankful to HIVE and all the people on the platform and up until recently my heart was beating with HIVE but lately it is more and more turning from passion into a bank, where I just hold some money...

Have a great day and keep it up!


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