I missed her birthday

as time passes on it's like I continue to swerve the opposite way, away from my family
Its kind of frustrating when you feel you are getting closer but you are still miles away
I thought I am gonna make it back home in just 2yrs max, since I left home when I was 18yrs of age without my mom's full consent.

I tried and I'm still trying but who am I to blame for this delay in destiny, it's like I'm kind of stuck, even though I hate to say it it's like taking one step forward and two steps backward. I don't know if you can relate, but it's not a thing it's a trick success plays on people who wants it.

it's like when something very good happens to you, you start getting suspicious, it's like you don't completely trust success, whenever the prize comes, you focus on the price instead.

not being able to getting what I want quick has become my own worst nightmare, it's like what I'm after is a mirage, it just keeps getting far and longer than planned.

I missed My mom 55th year birthday, a birthday I told myself when I was still at home that I would not miss for anything, it's kinda funny how we make promises we don't later keep.

Finance is a home breaker, if it's not a present thing in ones life, so many heartbreaks could have been averted if there was enough finance in the first place

the country economic instabilities also contributes to the hardships many families are facing,
I know a guy who left his wife because she gave birth to twins which is suppose to be a blessing

many homes have been broken because of lack of finance.

my moms birthday is not something I should miss, especially her 55th years birthday but I know I'm going to make it up to her,
my sister sent me some of her photoshoots on WhatsApp.

Money makes the world go round, what a true word,
every hustler has their own payday and I believe it's just around the corner.


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