Down on Main Street

"Photos bro... @galenkp
says "

I surely wish I had more photos of the "Krazzy" Dayz. The days before the "Trukker" part was added to my C.B. Handle name and now Hive screen name.

I had this little blue plastic kodak 110. The quality was not very good unless lightings were just right. Even then it would be like 360-480p at best here in the future. I took it everywhere. I rarely took night time photos. Even cloudy days with low light were not very good. Nightime pics were just horrible!



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I was reminded of this old kodak 110 pocket camera when Galen did a post about a really cool little camera his father had. That he now has as a keepsake. You can L👀k at Galens mini cam post, just click these eyeballs ---> 👀

Quality is not an issue if your just browsing thumbs and have no desire to get a close up of that awesome purple bikini. I was there bro's and sistas. Let me tell you. She knew we were all staring with our jaws dropped. She was simply stunning. I wonder if she was a topless dancer..? LoL

Z👀m in on that... Yeah Right!

I Sure wish the quality was better on this one. Heheh

Purple Biki... (are we even L👀king at the swim suit?)
Bikini Watch3 93 (Beach 11 Erie).jpg

Momma Mia! (Yes, a mom and her daughter)

Mother Daughter Bikini's (Beach 11 Erie 1993).jpg

My brother from another down under was commenting on a comment I had made about beaches. That turned into boating and walla, just add BOOBIES.(Topless Dancers on my boat) Lmao

And I can not seem to comment without it turning into a 300+ word rabbit hole rant.

I was telling him what the 2 dancers💃 l👀ked like when I decided to post about it instead...

One was your typical stripper girl. I would guess mid 20's on her age. Dark hair tats, big boobies, killers body. Just average facial features tho. Kinda goth like.

The other was Soooo Pretty.!!

She must have been new to the profession. Awkward, a little bit shy socially. But long brown hair, 5'7", maybe 100# soak and wet.

It brings a song to my mind. So I named this post...

Down on Main Street

"There was this long lovely dancer in a little club downtown, loved to watch her do her stuff..."
Bob Seger

She did not L👀k a day over 15. She was tho or she had a very good fake i.d. to be dancing at "Candyland" We knew the owner from our childhood school days. He was pretty legit.

It feels kinda "Creepy" to think back about that now. How young she looked. But back then we were barely in our 20's. I wish I could remember their names. The young dancer had nothing to do with me or any other of us except for my brother trucker from another Matt Sheesly. (yes he is now a truck driver too, go figure huh..?)

I do have a pictures of Matt. He did not get laid that night, but He got a phone # and a promise.

Matt the Gilligan
Matt (1994).jpg

Matt the Truck Driver

Matt He Whorin' (2).JPG

Sometime during that drunken blurr of a night (early morning) my ex-best friend Billy Cole turned on me. He threatened to throw me overboard. A full blown drunken mutiny brought on by jealousy of Matt getting the young pretty girl. The other was hanging on my older brothers shoulder. Obviously attracted to him.

B.C. we called him was relentless and just kept insulting and clowning Matt. I finally said "Hey Bill, just leave him alone will ya?"

Billy flipped out. I really thought I was gonna do some late night unwanted swimming. We called his wife to come get him and dropped him off back at the docks. (Yeah, Billy was acting like that even tho he was married and had a daughter if his own... SMFH)

Bill Cole had turned on me a few times earlier in life before that. He had thrown a sucker punch one night that I never seen coming. Hit me so hard upside my head that my ears rang for days. Probably a concussion. That sucker punch was jealousy over a girl too. Same type of scenario as the boat.

Again, the fuckin' guy was married. But divorced now, go figure huh? But this was the last time ol B.C. would have the chance to turn on me. I never really hung out with my child hood best friend B.C. much after that. I was best man at his wedding at a young age. But when Kelly (@pooky-jax) and I married later in life. He was there but not best man. He knew why. He definately is not a best man. And even worse when drinking. So that is where the X in ex-best friend comes from.

I was the Captain of my boat. No "Gilligans" were gonna throw me overboard or make me walk the plank!

That also reminds me of a song...

I'm Your Captain

We dropped the nameless dancers at the bayfront marina docks in Erie, PA.(USA) that warm summer morning just before sunrise. We had already watched them perform earlier the night before, so it was just laughing and drinking on the boats. My old Bayliner Cuddy and my brothers Mercruiser.

Here are some search photos of where all these shenanigans and buffoonery took place several summers so long ago. (1992-4) internet






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After dropping off the dancers I am sure we all went over to the Peninsula (the graveyard pond at misery bay) to anchor and pass out till the hot sun woke us mid morning like so many weekends before. Not making those names up. Look on the map photo.

Thanks for reading my post and as always...

Keep on KrazzyTrukkin'

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