24/7 electricity happened


The whole of my Sunday(today) happened like a dream and...


I was woken up early morning around 4:00 am by a high intensity light from the bulb in my house. Electricity was restored, which is unusual on a morning because we don't usually expect power here. When I thought the light would soon go off, it stayed on past 30 minutes. That's when I decided to plug in my sound system to play music while I did some basic tasks that needed light.

I got ready for church and left while there was still power. Normally, I would have left my power banks plugged in, but since I had power yesterday via the generator and they were all fully charged, I just closed my door and left, also thinking the power wouldn't last until I returned from church.

My guess was totally wrong. When we closed from church, I saw that there was still electricity. In the car on the way back, one of the ladies said it seemed like the staff in charge of turning off the power had fallen asleep, and that's why the power was still on. We all laughed. Maybe that was true because having power for that long is something we haven't seen for a long time.

I got home and wished I had food prepared already. I wished I was married so she could have prepared food for me because I wanted to go straight to ironing clothes to utilize the electricity. But I was very hungry, and there was no food at home. I quickly pulled off my shirt and did a very 'sharp sharp' preparation of food, praying that the power wouldn't go off before I was done. Although I was praying, I didn't have much faith because you can't actually pray for electricity in my area. In fact, when you pray, darkness seems to come even more. Lol 😂

Fortunately, there was still power when I finished eating, and I didn't waste time. I went straight to ironing clothes. I was rushing to iron as much as possible before the power went off unexpectedly, but the more I ironed, the longer the power stayed on.

"Wow! What's happening? Is the world ending?"
Many thoughts flashed through my mind because it was unbelievable.

That's how I ironed clothes until 7:47 pm before the power was finally cut. This time, I didn't curse the electricity management as we usually do whenever the power goes off; instead, I appreciated them. Just when I was about to fold up and rest, the power was restored again. Oh my God! I picked up my electric iron and began to iron clothes again.

I did that until 9:11 pm when the power was finally cut off for good. By then, I was tired too. So, I took the opportunity to shower, ate, and sat in my chair to write this rant.

With the way my power banks are fully charged, I'm not going to run helter-skelter for battery run down till Coming Wednesday.

Thanks for reading.

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Image 2: My photo

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