Food Poisen Isn't Fun

Throughout this post I'm going describe in graphic detail my horrific ordeal.


It all started on Monday evening; all had been well, the day was great. We spent the day getting on with a few things, and headed out for a while to the shops.

I'd bought some stuff to make dinner, but by 7 o'clock someone suggested getting a takeaway. Etiquette of ordering food is, nobody wants to outright say that's what they want to do, but kind of hint at it by breathing in at the same time they say, "Order something?"

Since everyone obviously wants a takeaway, unanimously everyone's heads nodded, while a few shrugs were thrown. Chinese? While I'm not a fan, I shrugged with the rest of them.

About 10 Minutes Later

I'm not exaggerating. 10 minutes later saw a knock at the door and we got our food.

I knew something was up, but didn't question it.

My food consisted of a 3 in 1, (chips, rice, and curry sauce) and vegetable spring rolls.

The chips were hard and undercooked, and the rice didn't feel right either. But, I was starving so ate as much as I could stomach.

I wasn't happy with the food, but what can you do in that situation? It's not like I could ring and say I want my money back. They'd see it was half eaten, and give me nothing.

That Night

Round 1

I woke up with a sore stomach, and lay in bed silently holding it, curled into a fetal position.

Grumble. I darted up from the bed, ran to the bathroom, clenching my ass as I woddled, sat down and I don't even want to relive what happened next. It was like a canon ball shot out of me, followed by a litre of water.

Every time I stood up I had to sit back down, I'd gone pale, and in general, felt weaker each time the sprinklers started again. I could feel the muscles in my jaw clenching, knowing that I was going to get sick, but I held back that tide.

I eventually felt safe to return to the bedroom, and lay at the end of the bed because I knew this wasn't the end.

Round 2

I was between the waking and the sleeping world for an uncertain amount of time, and then I ran once more to the bathroom.

Standing over the toilet bowl, I felt my jaw clenching again, but this time I didn't try to hold it back.

Like power washer, the contents of my stomach charged my throat and flew into the toilet in a spectaclar assualt. Coughing up bits, I could only stand there, staring at the toilet through watering eyes.

Second Wave!

More flew out, and I have to say, throwing up spicy food is nasty... I mean throwing up anything is bad, but curry chips and rice is a whole new level of torture.

After I knew my stomach was empty I gargled some water, and it tasted sickly sweet. I brushed my teeth to rid me of the taste, but it didn't help, and it also didn't help my burning throat.

After another game of musical chairs, I slinked back to back feeling way weaker than before. I was also freezing cold.

Round 3

The last time I ran back wasn't as bad, but was still rough. All that was left was water, but after bit of stand up sit down, I threw up again.

It was purple.

Then, as I finished throwing up I had to sit down. While seated, I had to lean over and finish getting sick in the sink beside me.

This seemed to clear me out entirely, and afterward, I was able to actually sleep.


I got up with Kaleb at 7 to get him ready to go to creche, and felt rough as fuck, and really weak. He left around 8, and from there on I slept on and off all day, and sipped water.

By 6 o'clock that evening, I ate a banana, and got a fairly early night.

My stomach was swollen, and sore to the touch all day, but I was mostly okay.


My stomach was still sore to the touch, but actually looked really flat.

I had some toast, and continued to drink water. I did have a coffee, but threw it away after a few sips because my stomach wasn't feeling up for it.


I feel way better, have had a coffee, and have had a few things to eat, but for the most part I've have no appetite at all. I know I should eat something though, which is why I've been pushing myself to eat small things.

I mentioned in a recent post that I've noticed that I've lost a good bit of weight, and now thanks to this, I think I've managed to loose a bit more.

I'm glad to be on the other side of it.

From here on out I'm not eating Chinese food again. I've never really liked it anyway, but after this ordeal, I don't think it's worth the risk.

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