Life Of A University Student

Image designed by me using canva

I love comfort. Oh boy! I can't even explain how much I love to be comfortable. Okay, maybe I'll try. I really dislike wearing tight clothes (especially when I'm at home). I feel like a prisoner when I wear tight clothes. It surprises me how people get comfortable in tight clothes. My roommate is just like that. He loves tight jeans. Skinny jeans that suck your blood, yeah! Those. I can't even imagine myself in those things. No offense, they are not just my thing.

I don't like staying in a stuffy place. Okay, I'll try to break it down now. I like staying in a cool place, where fresh air is coming in from left and right. I like wearing loose dresses. The ones that will make me jump, stretch, and do whatever. I hope you get what I mean by “I love comfort” now. Good.

When I graduated from high school, I thought university wouldn't be as stressful. I knew I'd read and read and read… But that wasn't my problem. When I graduated from high school, I was happy because I was moving to a higher place; THE UNIVERSITY. No more school uniforms. I won't be wearing the same uniform to school anymore. I'd live alone (or with a roommate), and wear fancy clothes. Oh boy! Little did I know that I was just being silly.

I passed my national exams, did the necessary things, and applied to a federal university very far from where I live. Fortunately, I got admission. “TIME TO START A NEW LIFE” I was pretty happy.

Turns out my fantasy about University was something else. Something totally different.

I had hoped for a well-ventilated classroom, a place where I’d be comfortable. Well, turns out I was wrong. Oops!

Check out this image below. I took this image the last time I went to a class.

When I sent this image to my friends in Neoxian city, their responses were pretty funny.

Queenstar said: is this class or union meeting?😂
Zoology said: People won’t be able to breathe in here bro, how much more paying attention?😂
Rubi said: This class looks like Jumat Service😂.

How do you expect students to understand in such an environment? Don't you think students should be taught in a conducive environment? Well, I don t know if other universities are like this, but this is just so messed up.

The first time I went to a lecture. I dressed well; I wore a round neck, jean trousers, and sneakers. Oh boy! That day was really bad! The lecturer told us the lecture would start at 10: a.m. I got to the lecture hall about 15 minutes before 10. I was so shocked to see the number of students in class when I got there. There was no place to sit and I had to stand all through. Even those that sat down regretted they came to class that day because everywhere was just too stuffy.

University isn't easy at all. Or should I say my school is so stressful? Yup, that'll do. Besides reading and all, you still have to deal with uncomfortable lectures.

If you want to sit in class, you have to get to the lecture room 2-3 hours before the lecture starts. So that means for a 10 am lecture, you have to bathe as early as possible and get to class by 7 or 8. Some even go around 6 am.

Imagine attending lectures outside the class, to worsen the case, under the hot sun. Yup! That happened to me today. I woke up very late (8:30 am) and I got to school 15 minutes before the class. As I expected, there was no place for me to sit. There was even a place to stand inside. I had to stand outside, under the hot sun.

I don't know how long this will continue. It just doesn't feel right.

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