Smallest of things


There's been times when I've been dragged into drama-filled situations, events and conversations and, I have to say, I don't like it. I'm rather bad in those situations and I tend to become apathetic quite quickly and prefer to simply to do my own thing. I don't just mean here on Hive, but in the real world also. I choose to ignore drama and it goes away, or out of my sphere so I'm unaware of it continuing. I just don't see the point in getting involved. I mean in the real world and especially here on Hive.

This doesn't mean to say I'm ignorant of drama when it happens or will not note it, and those promoting said drama, just that I don't tend to feel that I need, or want it, and so largely it goes ignored, as do the people who try to pull me into it. I'm quite well informed mostly so know it occurs and have some clue about what and who is driving the drama; I just don't care for it. I've been this way for a long time and I think, and I'm just spit-balling here, that it's my prerogative to be so.

One thing I've learned over the time I've been around is that no matter what my point of view, right or wrong, I'm never going to be able to convince someone who has their own differing opinion. So I do not try.

That, of course, doesn't mean I can't state my opinion with impunity and I sometimes do, respectfully of course. That also doesn't mean people need to agree with me because I'm not always right, nor do I wish to be. I have my opinions on things naturally, most of which I'd never speak openly about outside of my cadre of close relationships, but I know those opinions don't always align with other peoples'; we're all different after all.

Sometimes I state an opinion and leave it to those directly affected, to do what they will with it. Sometimes it's a suggestion, other times just an observation, but either way I leave it to be dealt with by the person or group affected. But here's the thing, sometimes other people jump in with their big wooden drama-spoon to stir the pot. It's easy to do on social media too; as simple as some text and a tag. OK, that's their prerogative of course but it rarely has the desired effect upon me and those people usually don't get the rise they're seeking; the drama they're seeking - From me at least.

I'm not sure why people rally around drama, and as per paragraph one, I don't care.

What I do know is that people take it so seriously that when they don't receive the pay-dirt they feel deserving of by not being able to drag others into their vortex of runny, smelly drama-shit they tend to get progressively more vocal, and often abusive. They also attempt to rally the masses to their cause by drawing support through tagging once again. It's a common path for those types to walk and they are welcome to it. Have at it I say, I'll not be along for the journey. Don't send me a postcard.

I guess drama, stirring the pot, inciting more drama and perpetuating it gives people a sense of purpose and that's why social media is so full of it. Maybe those that do it don't have much else in their lives and so they feel it validates their existence. Maybe they're unhappy and feel insignificant in real life and this is the only place they feel powerful or in control. Again, I don't know. However for me, and I speak not for you or anyone else ever, just me, it doesn't seem worth it. Ever. Going to war with people over, often, the smallest of things just seems a useless waste of time and effort.

This is just my opinion. You can have yours.

And...That's it.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209

The image is my own.

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