Rant, Complain, Talk - Empty Supermarket Shelves

I'm surprised this is my first rant as the older I get, the more rantier I become. Is rantier even a word?

As supermarket and food supply workers are being forced to self-isolate because of the rona, more empty shelves are appearing at the supermarket. There's not enough staff to stack the shelves. There's also a shortage of delivery drivers and HGV drivers.

I popped into my local supermarket today and the cupboard was bare, as they say. When is the government going to sort it out so certain workers don't have to isolate? Are the MPs going to wait until it affects them, ie when Harrods or Selfridges have empty shelves??

My friend works at a supermarket and has been pinged on her bloody app, so she's got to isolate for 8 days. Who's left to cover her shift? A lot of people have been doubly vaccinated but still have to stay at home. It doesn't make sense.

To make it doubly worse, some of the refrigerators weren't working because of the heat! You can't make this shit up. I sometimes feel as though I'm an extra in some indie film. Thankfully, I still managed to find a lovely, chocolate dessert, so all is well with the world again.

I've just heard the government is coming out with another list of workers who don't have to isolate. It would be a lot better if workers just had a daily test if they've been doubly vaccinated, instead of going into isolation.

Personally, I've never had the app in the first place!

Photos by @ellenripley - Julie S. All rights reserved.

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