Change the climate and stop global warming; join the challenge.

I read a post by @mercmarg a couple of days ago that reminded me of something I read years ago.

Nostradamus said the solution to most of the worlds problems lies in planting trees. No government or multinational corporation will ever do it.

Back when I read it, it did not really make sense.

Eventually, after I found out the Amazon were planted and started to understand the Food to understand the food forest concept I understood what he meant.

Forestry not only supply wood, it can supply more food per hectare than the agriculture we use today. It also regulates water keeping and distributing more water on land than any man made system could.

While I can ad a lot more to the list of benefits, I am not going to start giving lectures now. I am sure you can look up the intricacies if you want.

Understanding why big corporations and governments will never plant trees to change the climate or stop global warming is a bit more intricate. Apart from it being a concept that will change economies it will start to pry open the grip governments have on the general public. At the same time it takes to long to show a profit.

By now we realize no one is coming to save us. We will feel the impact of Global Warming and Climate Change and we will suffer, unless we do something about it.

Now you might ask yourself what can an individual do that would change the climate. It seems such a gigantic task.

There is a story from very long ago of one man and one woman starting a garden between the Tigris and the Euphrates and eventually we had a planet where animals 100 times bigger than an elephant roamed and grazed freely.

Then Noah built a ship and civilization took care of the rest.

The point is, you can make a difference. I am making a difference, or I'm starting to. I ate an apple, then I took the seeds from the core and planted it. Of the eight, five survived.


This is the challenge: Start 100 seedlings over a one year period of any tree. Personally I prefer edible species but 100 trees new trees in a year will be great. Then find a place to plant it where it will survive. That is a little more difficult. and convince two of your friends to do the same. That is the hardest part.

If we can convince even a small percentage of people on this planet to do it we will change the climate. I dare you.

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