How Do You Do It? Stay Consistent And Write Everyday.

If I don’t get to finish this post, it will be the 8th abandoned draft in the last few days. I don’t know how you guys do it. How you’re able to post consistently every day. How do you always have something to write about? Everyone here seems to have it all figured out. Looks that way to me.

Image by Oladimeji Ajegbile on pexels

Maybe I have these questions because I’m new, or maybe I just haven’t found what I’m about yet. How long did it take you to discover and focus on what you do now? Wait..maybe it’s even because I’ve got so much academic shit piled I don’t have time to enjoy things, let alone write about them.

When I find something I enjoy, my mind gets to work and I produce posts I’d like to think of as quality. Notice there’s a “when” at the beginning of the statement? I don’t find things I’m interested in everyday, and not to assume that things that interest people are what inspires them to write, but I believe people write when they’re inspired.

So I ask again, but this time a different question. What inspires you to write, and how do you figure out what to write daily? I have struggled with things to write about the past few days and have finally settled on using my problem to help myself. I have so many things going on in my head. Too much too fast.

You would think this was a good thing because that meant I would have a lot to write about. But the problem is everything new I start, I’m not able to develop into a standard or full article worthy of a post. At least according to my standards.

I have so many unfinished posts in my drafts it’s become difficult to keep up with the stuff I started writing. I’ve even forgotten I started writing some stuff.

I write everything that comes to my mind in my notes app so that I can later plan, develop and arrange my thoughts into posts. Normally I don’t have a problem with this since I’m writing about something that interests me. My thoughts normally just flow out, easy like water. I assume that it’s probably because I’m trying too hard to make a post out of literally everything that comes to mind. Consistency does have a price tag after. Your sanity:)

After an interaction with @cmplxty one time, I even considered joining these day-themed topics and challenges like Monochrome Monday, Three Tunes Tuesday, and Wednesday Walk. I don’t seem to be interested enough in any of the ones I’ve found to put in an entry. I’ve thought about doing my own thing and sorting my writing into days so that I can focus on a different theme everyday, just like these day-themed challenges. You know what? I’m just going to do it right now. I’ve thought about it for a long time and I feel like if I don’t put it into writing now whiles I’m thinking about it with no distractions, some random thought will replace it soon lol. So Hamza(me), here’s your schedule.

Leo Friday

Leofinance logo taken from and Image designed by me in canva

If you read my intro post, you know that I like crypto and doing analysis on the crypto market(even though this has caused and cost me so much lol). Since significant price action moves happen during the weekend, maybe I could start a “Leo Friday” thing on Fridays to prep for the weekend’s action. This will be for the LeoFinance community.

Cook & Watch With Haji

Picture was taken by me

I spend time with my girlfriend and we cook on weekends, so maybe a “Cook With Haji Weekend” could be a weekend thing. I won't be the one posting though so you'll have to go to my girlfriend @nhaji01's blog to check the recipe and tutorial. She makes mouth drooling food. Trust me! We also most likely will watch movies on the weekend so one day of the weekend could be for the cooking and the other could be a movie I guess. Something like a “Watch With Haji” for a movie review every Sunday. Maybe I'll be the one to post this so you can read this here on my blog:)

Wow that’s already 3 days planned! Impressive! Maybe I have it figured out myself after all.

Mondays and Tuesdays for Blogs!

Mondays and Tuesdays are the busiest day of the week for me since I have lectures from morning to evening on both days. This could do for a daily blog.

Oh no! There’s dreemport challenge on Fridays. How do I manage that with Leo Friday?

Two Days Unaccounted For

Now I just need to figure something out for wednesdays Thursdays. Considering that today is a Thursday, I guess whatever I plan for my Thursdays doesn’t affect today because this post would’ve been published by then. Wednesdays and Thursdays could be for random stuff I guess. Maybe things I found interesting during the week that peaked my interest.

I think this just gave me a hint on why I’ve been struggling to write recently. I’m normally active on Twitter and Reddit, so I mostly find inspiration and things of interest scrolling through my feeds there. After I joined Hive, I’ve spent close to zero hours on the two combined. I found out just yesterday from @samostically’s post there was a #deletefacebook trend on twitter? Yeah, I missed out on that and if it wasn’t for his article, I wouldn’t have known there was something like that going on.

Lol this actually turned out a complete post. Progress! When I started writing this, I thought it’ll probably just end up another unfinished draft, and that I was just going to be asking questions on how you guys figure out what to write daily, but I’ve done a pretty good job with the figuring out part myself, I think. I still have two days unaccounted for though, so if have something you think I would enjoy on Wednesdays and Thursdays, that would be lovely:) This is not like a posting “timetable” or anything, just a backup schedule to fall on on days I’m not inspired to write.

I like games and I think Splinterlands would be an awesome idea (even though I don’t know how it works or anything related to it) so maybe once I figure out how it works, it can have both my Wednesdays and Thursdays. I’ve been looking to start gaming again so this will be a great idea.

PS: I wrote this post as my thoughts unwinded so if you read this, you basically thought through this post with me:)

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