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Pushing All The Right Buttons

I've addressed this before. I'm not repeating myself which is something I do regularly, I'm just going over it again-going over it again. I respond to myself sometimes, too, you ever do that? You don't have to answer that. Simple fix: Edit - copy - delete. Exit out - go back where you meant to say it in the first place - paste/send, "tada!" Like it never happened. This has nothing to do with the thing I'm addressing again-thing I'm addressing again nor does the following paragraph.

I'm stalling

I voted for myself before—twice! Still can't believe I did that. Not avoid the subject. That, too, but I can't believe I voted for myself.. Twice! Both were comments. My own comment to someone else—wrong arrow. Not that there's anything wrong with it! We all have our own way of doing things, each of us are about as alike as.....


By the end of this paragraph you'll know what I haven't been able to spit out yet-spit out yet. It's a touchy subject and I don't mean touchy good touchy. Touchy bad touchy. Don't take it personally if I'm not following you, wait! That's not what this is about. That came out wrong. It's difficult to talk about this. Not following someone's nothing, doesn't even require an explanation. Preface follow with U-N, however, better stand back before you light that. Some people are like moonshine around here—straight to the heart! Unfollow.

:deep breath: They treat the unfollow button (6 letter word, button, that's all it is) like the person who clicked it is the bus driver who made their kid cry cuz she stopped in a mud puddle and the spoiled rotten brat didn't wanna dirty up his Rainbow Bright Light Special Edition Pumped Up kicks so he pouted like a cry baby punk ass kid before throwing a temper tantrum like he's been doing since infancy to which she laughed hysterically, "LolO.. lolol. LloLoL!!" While painfully bent over in a gut-busting laughing position from the driver seat, she Pumped Up Kicked his ungrateful ass out the bus, "Splash!" (that was mud) Dropped the eco-friendly diesel clutch like a 64n1/2 Mustang at the illegal street drags in an old greaser movie, "Errrrt!" (screeching tires) Peeled out all over his Rainbow Bright Light Special Edition Pumped Up kicks flyin a middle finger out the window for the world to see while leaving a trail of echoing air horn in her wake heard for two city blocks. :exhale:


H0oNnNkKKkkk ! ! !

A muddied pair of Rainbow Bright Light Special Edition Pumped Up kicks and an unfollow button are nothing alike, they're not even conducive to the same extremity, what's the BIG deal? It's just a button. You're overreacting—life's too fast for mistimed reactions.

Somewhere in one of the Carolina's
(Not sure about dude on the corner)

We've never even been in the same room together, you and I, one unfollow and suddenly you're barefoot over molten lava on a time sensitive suspension bridge. It might not've been my fault, ever thought of that?

Unintentional (src)

I unfollowed a bunch of producers during my last blockchain break which coincidentally happened to be top-dead-center sun'of'a contentious hard fork. I still don't know how or what happened, I've concluded it had something to do with switching from SteemAuto to I'll never know how many producers my account unfollowed—a lot! Every once in awhile I see one and I'm, 'Yooo! Sorry about that! I swear it wasn't me.' The worst was @lizelle. None were easy but explaining myself to the blockchain grandma sucked! I sent her a hand-written note inside a box of Afrikoa Chocolate, 'I'm innocent of all charges.' Felt about this big that day. But at least she didn't mute me for it!

Some of you are curating machines with your quality reblogs one after the other, iheart all ya'all! Keep up the great work! This is all my fault. My irresponsibility and lack of consuming skills are to blame here, no one else's. @dandays - The Luckiest Guy I Know assumes all liability, you did nothing wrong. I have a difficult time as it is keeping up with content in my feed produced by authors I am following. Unfollow, however, in this digital realm commonly known to us peasant folk as ecosphere, I've seen more people completely lose their shit over an unfollow :click: than an eviction notice.

It's just a button

I don't follow the NFL anymore but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy a good game or I'm stoopiit enough to refuse a Super Bowl party invitation at the Playboy Mansion. I don't follow the NFL anymore, reality TV at its finest, I'm just not into it like I used to be but I wouldn't mute them and refuse all future NFL programming just because I stopped following them.

It's Just A Button!!

I don't know why anyone follows The Rolling Stones, bla bla whatever, get your Satisfaction in the comment section, I'm not your Beast Of Burden. I'm not a Stones fan and I think it's peculiar they continue making public appearances while appearing to look dead at the same time. I'm not following The Stones, I'd unfollow them in a Jumpin Jack Flash if I was because You Can't Always Get What You Want. But I've never considered muting them nor would I refuse orchestra seats to a Stones show just because I don't follow them.

It's just a button❗️❗️❗️

Nothing to get excited about, try not to let it ruin your day. Check out this video before you take off—Pumped Up Kicks. I unfollowed the original version when I saw Marquese Scott dance (if that's what it's called) to this dubstep remix—follow! It made a :click: sound but that's all it did. :click:
