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Sleep Requirements

Hi fellow Ranters,

My second rant about sleep, what the hell?


Wipe Out

What's up with having the ability for many years to go with only getting 3 or 4 hours of sleep and working full days, partying and going non-stop only to suddenly lose that ability altogether? Lol

The wife and I have both had different scenarios lately where we both got minimal sleep for one reason or another but we still got 3 or 4 hours yet we feel like we can't move off the couch lol.


Granted, we were able to get good, solid sleep now that our son sleeps well at night for about a year and a half so that's vastly improved our sleep patterns and abilities. Are we spoiled now, so our body is giving us a good "fuck you" when we don't get at least 7 hours? Lol it feels so lame!

Anyone else have this issue?! We can’t be alone I hope lol


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