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Phone Posting Sucks

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to rant a little bit about how annoying it is to write posts on a phone!


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Phone Posting Sucks

Alright let me get started by saying I know that it’s important to be respectful of people who don’t have any other option. I know that and I interact with people here all the time that don’t have easy access to something besides a smart phone. Now that we’ve got that out of the way..

Posting from a phone SUCKS lol. Recently the little man has gotten sick and that’s okay except it’s cut into my hive posting time on my laptop! I’m glued to the little fella right now, which is okay because he’s not feeling good and he’s a snuggle bug when he’s feeling under the weather. Eventually these days won’t happen any longer and he will lock himself in is room when he’s not feeling well. But in the meantime, he’s glued to me lol. I can’t get up and go into the other room to write out a few posts to keep things moving sadly. Phone posts it is I guess! Ah..


Posting from my phone isn’t that bad but I’m trying to use the hive keychain app exclusively because it’s far easier to just put in my pin there then have to copy and paste my keys into my browser and log in every so often. Hive signer has been being a pain in the ass in that it boots me out of being logged into PeakD every so often and then it forgets that information in my browser cookies.. the challenges in 2023, I know. Lol.

I don’t like putting my keys out there, who knows if someone would be able to figure out the info and get into my account, though thankfully with the recovery capabilities of Hive being top notch, there isn't much that someone could do without me reversing it in a few hours or day or so. We certainly don't want to be in that situation however, so caution is warranted!


I was able to start the post on my phone but thankfully finishing the post on my laptop, where it's much easier and more efficient for me to do so LOL.

One of the things that really was annoying me about writing the post on my phone was the damn Keychain app on mobile sucked at resizing the PeakD website! I literally couldn't see what the hell I was typing when I was in landscape mode, which I prefer to be in so that I can far easier type something. First world problems, and problems for 2023 for sure. Had you asked someone to write a blog post on a phone 10 years ago, they likely would've been more than happy to, in order to be one of the cool people doing something normally reserved for a computer, onto a phone. Boy how times have changed :D


I wasn't able to get the post finished on the night I was trying to write it but I was attempting to! Life pulled me away, as the little man wasn't feeling well and he is far more important than getting a post written lol so I put my phone down for the night to help make him feel better but it was definitely a trip down a lane I wasn't a big fan of, but was pursuing out of necessity. Necessity is the mother of innovation, that's for sure. I'm hoping to figure out an alternative way to write a post on my phone. Spitballing some ideas, I'll likely write the post in a notepad or some other type of app and then transpose it later, add some photos and be good. Come to think of it, that's likely what I should've done in the first place lol but when you're in the moment you sometimes don't think of the best options. I certainly didn't it seems!

I know there are a number of people here on Hive that use exclusively their phone to do all of the posting, writing and engagement. I feel for you! I know we do the best with which we have, and can definitely appreciate the struggles of phone posting. I hope we can all afford a laptop for which one day you can write posts easier, because having a laptop in the mix makes it a hundred times better!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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