TGIF finally makes sense


I was never able to wrap my head around the whole Thank God it's Friday thing but after doing a 9-5 shift in the last five days, it finally makes sense.

I always wondered why people celebrated a day of the week like it's a holiday. On clubs, bars and other recreational venues, all I'd see is working class heroes in crowded spaces dancing the day away, as if it were their last.

Perhaps I couldn't empathize with the whole TGIF thing because, first of all, I worked for myself and secondly, I was involved in fully remote work. These days, work isn't optional, it is a necessity for our survival and I have to say, it is not nice.

Don't get me wrong, I like my new job. In fact, I sort of enjoy doing it but I'll tell you this for free, there's no better feeling than working for yourself and living on your own schedule.

When I lived in Nigeria, it was pretty simple and straightforward. I worked when I wanted to work and had fun at my own time. There was no TGIF, it was more like TGIE because Everyday was everyday.

At certain points while living in Nigeria, I didn't even know days of the week because it all felt the same to me. The only time I felt this way in the UK was while in my previous job with the bookies where I could be required to work on pretty much any day of the week.

These days, I do the 9-5 schedule and the demonic schedule doesn't allow you have a life outside your schedule. So, thanks to this situation, the weekend is just a bit more important and I understand why people thank God it's Friday.

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