Is It Time for My Website To Be Closed?

Is It Time for My Website To Be Closed?.png

I researched about creating a website.

Bought a hosting plan and domain.

I started my website.

This website was intended to be my portfolio as I was starting to become a freelance writer and SEO manager. I paid premium plans for my website to be built; my hosting plan is good for 4 years.

But as time passes, I think this is becoming a liability.

I never got any profit or money from it. However, I got one client where I used my website as my portfolio. It turns out this client was lowball and toxic, so I took down the contract.

Read more about it here: 2 Weeks of Working as an SEO Strategist With This Client (My Experience)

Thousands of blogs and videos saying that starting a blog will make you $1,000+ a month, I was excited when building it.

But I think it became a failing business. Though plan A is just a portfolio, while building it, I decided to make it a business.

I know the reason why this is not successful. I was inconsistent when it comes to publishing content. I even used AI to create some blogs but I edited some parts to make it more humanly-written.

I don't want the concept of using AI for publishing, but it was the trend during the AI peak, so I tried.

I learned that building a blogging business is hard as you are competing with more than 600 million blogging websites out there which has a built reputation and already running for years.

Of course, I am sad, I still want to continue my journey as a website owner. But as I said previously, it is becoming a liability.

I never generated money from it, it only takes money from my wallet by paying for domain renewal which I am paying annually.

The only opportunity that I got from my website was when I had a sponsorship from a design company (a competitor of Canva), and got a free premium membership (which has already expired).

Another opportunity that I get from my website is the proof of my existence on the web. It looks more professional when people can search for you on the internet. On the other hand, imposter syndrome attacks me when thinking that my domain is my name.

I want anonymity, my introvert part of me can’t handle it. But I think I can solve this issue over time.

Nevertheless, I know to myself that I do not want to close it. But if this is milking my pocket without getting any benefits, I have no option but only to close it.

You know the reason why it is failing, but why don’t you write and publish?

Well, being an engineering student is hard as of now. When I say hard, it is really hard. I thought people were just overreacting but I proved to myself that it is real. Now, when I was thinking of a topic to write, I only chose to rest instead of draining my brain from researching and writing.

I might be wrong, choosing instant gratification over building a business. But sometimes I am just too lazy to write and can’t think of a topic.

Anyway, I am also thinking that I might be overthinking about the content.

Does a blog that I can publish on my website be informative or it can be personal just like what I am writing right now? I am confused.

If it is the former, well, I won’t do it often as researching is draining. On the other hand, if it is the latter, I think I can manage it somehow.

Before I started my website, I researched blogging. They said to pick a niche, research it, and then write it down. If you want to build a blogging business, you must do this process.

But taking this path is just a bit draining. I thought it was easy, so I started it.

There is no easy job, but if I want to build a business, I want a business that I will enjoy while doing the process.

Can I republish my blogs on Hive?

This could be controversial, but I have been thinking of this lately. Since I want to regain my traction and momentum on my website, I am thinking of republishing my blogs from my website to Hive (not my past blogs since some of them are written by AI).

If I this is possible, I will start writing again on my website and share it also on Hive.

It will not be all of my content. If I’ve done my research and published an informative article on my website, can I republish it on Hive? This way, I can repurpose my content and monetize it immediately with Hive.

The purpose of publishing it on my website is to practice my skills in SEO and get more traffic on my website. I want my investment to be worth it. Since Hive lacks tools when it comes to SEO such as plugins, and analytics (in and outside) of the chain, I want to dig deeper into SEO because I want to pursue this course as a freelancer.

Rest assured that all of the content is mine and not AI-generated article or written by others.

I also want to build my Hive business where I can increase my Hive Power (HP) and develop influence on the chain. I think this plan is hitting two birds with one stone.

If this is not allowed, I still have a business in mind that will only work on the chain. And then I won’t continue this plan. The only purpose of this is to learn more about SEO, earnings are just a bonus through my journey because I know that building a blogging business takes more time to be successful.

There might be no rules on Hive, but whales and Hivewatchers can downvote my account if they do not want the content and this plan.

So, I am asking.

Since my hosting will run until 2026, I am wondering if I should still renew my domain when it expires.

I recently received an email that my domain renewal will happen on May 5, 2024

If you are in my situation, what will you do?

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