Travel Preparation To Riga, Lativia (Europe) . Anybody Out There ?

Hello Everyone,

The biggest challenge for any Indian while travelling is to adjust with the changing condition. It may be of environment, culture and other things. Now when it comes to travel abroad, which is not going to be a friendly affair the challenge gets bigger. The person who is going abroad need to look after many stuffs to survive. Especially the weather which is not favorable for a new person.

The weather is europe is very cold and snowy. It get unbearable to adjust with strong wind and going put is next to impossible. So whosoever is planning their trip during the year end time the weather going to spoil everything. Now my nephew needs to travel to Riga, Latvia for some cross education camp. And honestly speaking he is excited but at the same time their parents were very worried as regard to his adapting to the environment. He was late in getting the visa and that why he is travelli alone. And thr est part he never traveled so far alone and also never been to abroad.

What I learnt from internet is that the place is very beautiful, but the temperature goi g to play a major role. We Indians are not habitual to such extreme weather. Where the temperature falls below 0° and goes to - (minus). Any newbie would be facing it tough and same happening to my family member. Now I was wondering if we have anybody from that part of the Europe. Just in case I need some help at time of emergency. That would be goi g to be great. Let see how thr community fare in this regard.


Namaste @steemflow

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