Rain Brings More Problem Then Solution.

Hello Everyone,

After the extreme summer days people gets quite hopeful that the rainy days will bring lot of relief. Infact for many people rainy season allow them to enjoy weather. Rains which comes just after the summer make the weather pleasant. While it becomes a good way to enjoy too much rainfall may create havoc. As it is happening currently in many parts of India as well as our neighboring country. Floods like situation, over flowing river, destruction has becomes a common sight. It is too painful to see how thr wrath of nature fury could be so devastating.

Coming back to rsinfal, we as a former were very hopeful to get a good farming season. This year though like took a turn and our area is deprived of much rainfall. Resulting in no farming in our area. However, rainy season does makes some of the reptile to comes out and enjoy in and around the common people. I am talking about the snakes which is a common sighting. Last three day I have seen few different species of snakes. Poisonous as well as dangerous. We do not have pytnon in area, but yes we can get hold on cobra and other species, which can be dangerous.

In other words, I can say, as the rainy days comes along, it bring a lot of problem for village people. They need to keep a close eye now and then to be safe from these animals.


Namaste @steemflow

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