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Maple Cookies Clone #1 - Mars Hydro TS600 - 5 Gallon No-Till Supersoil - Update #1

Strain Name: Maple Cookies
Strain Type: Clone
Strain Breeder: Trinitygenetics
Growing medium: Supersoil
Growing Ferts: EWC & Compost Tea & Top Dress

In the last autoflower update, I talk about cutting down the small slow-growing auto flower. In this video, I cut down the old autoflower and transplant a Maple Cookies clone.

Maple Cookies

The Maple Cookies was freshly put into a small one gallon but I have since decided to run it as a mother in a 5-gallon mars hydro fabric pot.

My plan for this plant is to veg it out for a couple of months, I plan to keep this as a mother and clone it so I know I always have a female as I only run regular seeds.

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