Dance to Ecstasy trailer

Gwendolyn Kassenaar painted contemporary dancer, Petra Haller in a live-streamed improvised performance, at Dereham Place, Shoreditch, London on 14th April 2021

London, England, 14 April 2021 – As the city emerges from lockdown, an artist depicts the human struggle and subsequent unshackling of societal and cultural suffocation, felt by many over the last year. She achieved this by painting dance artist Petra Haller in an innovative and beautiful improvised representation of reaching liberation and ecstasy.

“I am thrilled to be able to share my work in this way. Music and dance are not only my subject matter but they are integral to my creative process.” Says Ms Kassenaar

“I aim to shift the boundaries between art and dance disciplines and become a simultaneous performer with Petra. I am truly excited about what we will achieve and I want to ensure that visitors leave the experience wanting to embrace life on a higher level. Ultimately, I will encourage people to find out who they are and have the courage to live true to themselves regardless of expectations and judgements of others.”

Audience saw the artwork unfold in front of their eyes while watching the dance performance in an unusual, energetic and fast creation. It is a bold and innovative portrayal of finding spirituality and finding oneself.

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