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Seems a Bit Spammy

spam 2.gif

"Well, seems a bit Spammy!"

This video and song are in response to a comment on found on Hive.

"Well. Seems a bit spammy."

My first reaction to a comment like this is to sing a song. Maybe a spammy song. You can be the judge of that. I promised that I would have a song out by the end of the year. At first I recorded Joy to the World, but after spending a few minutes on line I decided "Joy to the World" was not exactly the right son I wanted to end this Year with. It might song a little bit spammy with Christmas and the season and all. It would be better for me to create something original.


That's what I did. I used a Free "Freesyle Beat" from . I recorded using my webcam mic added some reverb and distortion. The lyrics are not very complicated but the message is carried through the inflections in voice. I did have fun playing with this beat.

Considering the lyrics... there is a truth in there about human history. What have we produced or distributed that was not in essence some sort of spam? How many comments are shallow and cliche?

Maybe you have heard a few of these?

I'm sorry.

My condolences.

We've all been there.

Stick to the grind stone.

Do your own research.

This is for entertainment purposes only.

Don't sue my ass.

"Ooh child things are gonna get easier..."

My brain is frozen. My fingers are frozen and my toes are frozen for about four days now. My nose and ears are red but not from drinking. I can't do much more than eat something and go to sleep. Each days I am with a class of twenty five elementary third grade students. As I talk to them I see they had carried problems for the entire school year. I am teaching little Katie Kaboom! She yells at everyone in the class especially the students who came from her homeroom. She had carried a grudge for too long. I called her mother and her mother asked to speak with her. When she got on the phone with her mother she yelled at her mom louder than she yelled at any of the kids in the class. Oh I still have a headache from little Katie Kaboom!! She is a special one so cute and needy looking. When I found out she couldn't read I tried to help her put some letters together but as soon as I turn my back, "BOOM!" Some boy is crying and she is yelling like a tormented child.

I read an article by a self help troll who is helping himself into free lancing so he doesn't have to put up with the torture of teaching in a school. One thing for sure is that teaching isn't going to get easier as time goes on. There are always going to be little Katie Ka-booms. That shouldn't be surprising and it isn't. I only celebrate all the Katie Kobooms and all the spammy spam and spammy spam haters in the world with a little song.

Call the song Spammy. Call the whole article spammy, but it is posted in seconds on Dtube and now stuck on the blockchain. The picture is a can of Korean spam in the style of Andy Warhol.

Lady of Spam a lot

Under tower and balcony,
By garden wall and gallery,
A tin, tin can floated by,
Dead spam, between the houses high,
Dead into tower'd Camelot.
Knight and burgher, lord and dame,
To the planked tin can came:
Below the stern they read her name,
The Lady of Spam a lot.

There lay a parchment on her breast,
That puzzled more than all the rest,
The wellfed wits at Camelot.
"What did her in?"
"A can of Spam?"
Said Sir Spamalot.
'The web was woven curiously,
The charm is broken utterly,
Draw near and fear not,—this is I,
The Lady of Spam a lot.'

The revolution should not be violent.

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