Oil and Water...and Rocks: old steem, new steem, and tron

Oil, Water....and Rocks. I have been seeing this unfold in front of me the last couple of days, and I think it needs to be talked about. This is really a post for anyone that thinks they are part of the something, but it is clear that not everyone is on the same page.

I have been staying very informed of everything that has been happening with the Steemit and Tron business. I have been watching the "community" tear each other up, and pull the community apart.

I think that we have reached a point that it is clear that the community is split into two sides. Once side is the die hard decentralized crypto crowd, and the other side doesn't care. So now the old top 20 witnesses are acting like they speak for the whole community, when I have only seen about 500 people actually participate. That means there is still 11.5K people daily that have not voiced their opinion.

I was talking with a prominent community playing yesterday, and they mentioned the idea that the blockchain has outgrown the old top 20. That the witnesses no long have their finger on the pulse, but they just want to go backwards.

I think it is possible for them to create a whole new chain where they can change the governance and create something that they really like. Then the average users can choose what they want to do. It is simple. We should stop trying to convince the whole community that it is either the witnesses way or the high way.

My question would be this.... how is it possible for everyone to continue to exist under one roof without people destroying other people of this difference of opinion, or turning the chain into a troll swamp. I think if there were a fork there would atleast be two options that both look like the high road!

So there is way more in the video and even have a message to the steem users and the tron users. I even make a bet!

When all of this blows over I will return to making videos that melt your mind, but for now I am just trying to hold your mind together!

Be well
~The Yeti

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